Video: Governing Body Of Jehovah's Witnesses Releases New "Christmassy" Song About Jesus' Birth . . . Really???

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Apollyon (Rev. 9:11)
Posts: 111
Joined: Sun Feb 11, 2018 8:46 pm

Video: Governing Body Of Jehovah's Witnesses Releases New "Christmassy" Song About Jesus' Birth . . . Really???

Post by Apollyon (Rev. 9:11) »

Governing Body Of Jehovah's Witnesses Releases New "Christmassy" Song About Jesus' Birth . . . Really???

Jehovah's Witnesses have long condemned any celebration of the Christmas Holiday supposedly commemorating Jesus' birth, as being a pagan celebration of Christendom. They have even disfellowshipped many from the organization for celebrating it, in any form or fashion. Every Jehovah's Witness world wide knows this.

It seems, the new song from the Watchtower Society just released, (to be sung at the next upcoming summer conventions around the world), so for the Watchtower Society and its devoted adherentsunds a lot like a Christmas song to the amazement of many including myself. But, I will let you make up your own mind on this startling recent development.

One thing is for sure, if you listen to the words of this particular song, it is specifically about JESUS' BIRTH . . . pure and simple . . . which maybe be a first for the Watchtower Society and its devoted adherents!

The video shown below was released by EXJW Analyzer recently on YouTube.

Here is the video:

Also, here is the link to the new song (complete with audio and lyrics) for the upcoming 2024 JW Convention, shown at the JW.Org website: ... tion-Song/


See this article and discussion on the topic of Ezekiel 23rd Chapter Prophecy Of Oholah & Oholibah about Jehovah's Witnesses:

See also this link which discusses Zechariah 12:2-7 prophecy fulfillment on all Jehovah's Witnesses:
Apollyon (Rev. 9:11)
Posts: 111
Joined: Sun Feb 11, 2018 8:46 pm

Re: Video: Governing Body Of Jehovah's Witnesses Releases New "Christmassy" Song About Jesus' Birth . . . Really???

Post by Apollyon (Rev. 9:11) »

Another new thread on Reddit Board who is talking about this new song, here: ... ut_christ/


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