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Re: What Really Happened (Back Then) With The False Teaching Of 1975?

Posted: Thu Jun 20, 2024 7:57 pm
by Apollyon (Rev. 9:11)
Welcome LW Flows! :D

I am the Admin (Donald C. Burney) and owner of this discussion board, and I am very glad you joined us. :D

A simple way we can understand the "Babylon" question you posed is to understand the fear . . . the fear at play here.

Satan uses FEAR, in the first century and also today, in our modern times. Fear.

The bible tells us,

"Trembling at men is what lays a snare..." Proverbs 29:25

This is so true.

Satan loves to use this tactic . . . FEAR.

A great man had this to say about standing up, when serious issues were at stake.

"A man that does not stand for nothing, will FALL for anything."

This is so true. If we, as Jehovah's Witnesses do not stand for Jehovah, Jesus and righteousness, during times of spiritual peril, we are of little use to Him and the future kingdom of righteousness. We must stand during "troublesome season" just as we do during "favorable season." -- Matthew 6:33; 2 Timothy 4:2

Jesus said [paraphrased]: 'He that loves father or mother, sister or brother MORE THAN ME, is NOT worthy of me...' Clearly meaning, this person IS NOT a true "Christian," IS NOT a foot-step follower of Jesus. (Matthew 10:37)

Revelation 12:11 tells us, there is no way to CONQUER SATAN, without being brave. Without standing up to EVIL Facing it bravely, without fear.

The wicked WTBTS and GB, must be confronted, and told to their faces, they are wicked!

Isn't that the example Jehovah and Jesus left us? (See Deut. 7:10; Hebrews 12:2; 2 Tim. 1:7.)

Think about it. :D

Donald C. Burney Admin, Jehovah's Truth Discussion Board


Re: What Really Happened (Back Then) With The False Teaching Of 1975?

Posted: Tue Jun 25, 2024 6:46 am
by LastAdam (Ps. 89:27)

Re: What Really Happened (Back Then) With The False Teaching Of 1975?

Posted: Tue Jun 25, 2024 9:09 pm
by LastAdam (Ps. 89:27)

Re: What Really Happened (Back Then) With The False Teaching Of 1975?

Posted: Wed Jul 03, 2024 11:09 pm
by 1975JWExpert
Frederick W. Franz Says In Assembly Talk: ". . . The Millenium Has A Definite Date For It To Begin!"

And, What Is That Date . . . ?

Listen to the actual audio of this talk by the then Vice-President, Frederick W. Franz given in the year of 1975 at the assembly . . . and notice exactly what he says about the beginning of the millennium having a "DEFINITE DATE." Then, he holds up the "red book," that highlights the very date of 1975.

Was he not saying, openly, the year of 1975 was the definite start of the 1,000-year Reign of Jesus Christ???

What do you think . . .Listen for yourself, and decide.

Here is the link:


Re: What Really Happened (Back Then) With The False Teaching Of 1975?

Posted: Thu Jul 04, 2024 2:38 am
by 1975JWExpert

Isn't This One Big, Gigantic Lie & False Prophecy Told By The May 15th,1984 Watchtower Magazine On Its Front Cover Page, For The Entire Earth To See???

(Please click heading above to see front cover article.)

Clearly, The Watchtower Society & its Governing Body are gross, monstrous, shameless liars, for the entire world to see! And yet God's Word promises, these wicked unrepentant liars, would be righteously exposed and utterly destroyed in God's "Lake of Fire," at Luke 12:2 and Revelation 21:8.


Re: What Really Happened (Back Then) With The False Teaching Of 1975?

Posted: Thu Jul 04, 2024 4:17 pm
by 1975JWExpert
This Watchtower Society Video (About 1975) Is A Bold-Faced Lie And Jehovah's Witnesses Around The World, Are Accepting It As Divine Truth!

In this video, the Watchtower Society says the teaching of 1975 was made up completely by the brothers, Jehovah's Witnesses and the Watchtower Society had noining to do with it. They are completely innocent of this terrific sin! :o :o :o

Would you accept this as an acceptable truthful recount of this horrific event, which has stumbled so many thousands of individuals over the years, I ask?

Do such ones after teaching the date of 1975 to the world in printed page, and then lying about it and instead shifting the blame of this situation on the JW brothers, properly represent the God of Truth before others? (Psalms 119:160)

Here is the Watchtower Society's video on who is the real blame for the false teaching of 1975:


Re: What Really Happened (Back Then) With The False Teaching Of 1975?

Posted: Fri Jul 05, 2024 1:29 am
by 1975JWExpert

By District Overseer Charles Sinutko

Here is the audio of the talk:


Re: What Really Happened (Back Then) With The False Teaching Of 1975?

Posted: Sat Jul 06, 2024 2:39 am
by 1975JWExpert

Watchtower Society Says: "...There Was SOME BROTHERS . . SOME BROTHERS, Who Started The 1975 Belief Among Jehovah's Witnesses"

Yes, Who Are These "Some Brothers . . .Really?"

Here is the video that speaks of this situation concerning the false teaching & prophecy of 1975 among Jehovah's Witnesses:

To find out exactly who the "some brothers" that were responsible for the 1975 Hysteria among Jehovah's Witnesses, please see this link:


Re: What Really Happened (Back Then) With The False Teaching Of 1975?

Posted: Sun Jul 07, 2024 5:48 pm
by Shiloh (Gen. 49:10)
1975JWExpert wrote: Wed Jul 03, 2024 11:09 pm *
Frederick W. Franz Says In Assembly Talk: ". . . The Millenium Has A Definite Date For It To Begin!"

And, What Is That Date . . . ?

Listen to the actual audio of this talk by the then Vice-President, Frederick W. Franz given in the year of 1975 at the assembly . . . and notice exactly what he says about the beginning of the millennium having a "DEFINITE DATE." Then, he holds up the "red book," that highlights the very date of 1975.

Was he not saying, openly, the year of 1975 was the definite start of the 1,000-year Reign of Jesus Christ???

What do you think . . .Listen for yourself, and decide.

Here is the link:

Hello 1975JWExpert and all here.

If FW Franz said in a talk that the millennium had "a definite date to start," isn't that a given?

Sure it has a definite date to start, doesn't everybody know that? Did he come out and say, that date was actually 1975? Did he come out and say that?


Re: What Really Happened (Back Then) With The False Teaching Of 1975?

Posted: Sun Jul 07, 2024 6:40 pm
by work4jah

What I heard him say was that they have published in the book that everybody can see...that after September 5, 1975 that things could happen and it looks very likely that they're going to happen. He also said that the time is short and does not allow for college, marriage, kids. He said we KNOW it's a critical year, (1975) we know we are near something. He cautioned everybody at that Watchtower assembly not to jump to wrong decisions and reason that they could allow themselves to realize their human aspirations, that there was not time for that.

So YES, OF COURSE!!! He did actually say that. Actually, he shouted it out loud!!! Fred Franz did, while being the long-standing vice- president of the Watchtower Society, and head of the writing department. It's right there in audio recording for you and everybody else to hear. And it is a definite date he said. And if you'll go to the red book that was featured "Life Everlasting in Freedom Of The Sons Of God", on pages 31-35, he described a chart of significant events which pointed to the year of 1975 as an actual date of the beginning of the millennium.

How much more proof do we need to know that Watchtower made false prophecies? It's in black and white. If anybody can find the magazines and books it appeared in. They have suggested everybody get rid of that literature.

They are trying to pin it all on the brothers, that they are the ones who were wrongly reading too much into this. But as you can hear Brother Fred Franz here in this audio clip, it's perfectly clear what he taught there at that assembly.
