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Re: What Really Happened (Back Then) With The False Teaching Of 1975?

Posted: Mon Jun 17, 2024 7:42 pm
by Mary
Hi TruthFinder,

Oh yes, I am well acquainted with that 1935 cut-off date as I had it thrown in my face by many an elder.

When I became a Jehovah's Witness in 1986 and I professed to of the anointed class. I was a bible reader so I knew how to use scriptures even when they called on me in August of 1986. Upon learning they used God's Great Name, Jehovah on my return visit. I knew the Hebrew form of Yahweh but had never put together that Jehovah was the English pronunciation when I was called on as a return visit. And I knew from scripture that early Jews carried God's Name upon themselves (Numbers 6:27; Acts 15:14). So I immediately asked when was the next meeting was, which they told me was that evening which was a book study night. Both myself, my husband, and my 9 year old son attended that same evening Tuesday night book study.

Me and my family's second meeting was the District Assembly up in Duluth, MN. I was also stopped from going street witnessing during that assembly by an elder saying I was too new to the witnessing work. I did not understand why I could not do so and cried about it, lol. I could not stop the zeal I felt by declaring the "good news." Oh well, I was out in field service the following week putting in auxiliary pioneering hours. Which at the time, I did not understand why you had to count your hours since I felt it was a 24 hour obligation as a Christian.

Of course, right away I got the negative attitudes of a few different people in my congregation. I was baptized in November of 1986. And as the months went by I found myself in the back room several times the first few years being confronted by several elders saying I must be mistaken with my heavenly hope. Here some quotes from Watchtower articles they would use on me:

*** w83 3/15 p. 9 Who Should Partake? ***
There is a similar situation with the new covenant. Only Christians referred to as “the Israel of God” are taken into this covenant with Jehovah God. (Galatians 6:16) Jesus spoke of this limited number of Christians as a “little flock.” (Luke 12:32) However, there is a “great crowd” of other Christians, referred to by Jesus as his “other sheep.” (Revelation 7:9, 10, 14; John 10:16) Although these enjoy benefits from the new covenant, they are not included in it.

*** w73 12/1 p. 733 Jehovah Brings ‘Sealing’ of His Chosen Ones to a Close ***
This point about separation is mentioned because, in some instances, persons professing to be newly anointed have tended to isolate themselves, or to form a separate group. This works toward disunity and has actually brought about division in the congregation in a number of cases.—Prov. 18:1.

Yes, not only was I told the cut-off date back in 1935 for anyone professing to be anointed and that I did not know what I was talking about. But also as the 1973 Watchtower quote above suggested that my so-called "anointing" as one elder put it, was causing a "division in the congregation." This was very upsetting to me at the time. But I did know a couple of scriptures that I eventually used, that mostly left those elders a little dumbfounded at the time. These two worked the best in my opinion:

Jesus answered: “Most truly I say to you, Unless anyone is born from water and spirit, he cannot enter into the kingdom of God. 6 What has been born from the flesh is flesh, and what has been born from the spirit is spirit. 7 Do not marvel because I told you, YOU people must be born again. 8 The wind blows where it wants to, and you hear the sound of it, but you do not know where it comes from and where it is going. So is everyone that has been born from the spirit.” (John 3:5-8)

"The spirit itself bears witness with our spirit that we are God’s children." (Romans 8:16)

I had also had a quote from a Watchtower article that came in quite handy which said:

*** w85 2/15 p. 21 par. 17 The “Other Sheep” and the Lord’s Evening Meal ***
We are assured: “The spirit itself bears witness with our spirit that we are God’s children.” It is God’s spirit that awakens in the heart of any member of Christ’s body the conviction that he is one of God’s spiritual sons. The chosen one knows this and does not have to ask another in the congregation for confirmation.—Romans 8:15, 16.

In 1990, I became a single mother which gave all the elders the idea that I had a target on my back because I proclaimed to be anointed. But those are some different stories.

But over the past 20 years or so, I have come to gain a very different perspective about the whole situation of the future anointing, and the FALSE cut-off date of 1935. I have come to know just how the true anointing process occurs finally, and how the true anointing process from Jehovah fits with bible prophecy, as it should be. For example, I have learned since joining the YORWW Congregation, about Joel 2:28, 29 where this prophecy shows there will be a large, group anointing upon the entire EARTHLY NATION of Israel, God's Name People complete with some 200 Million of like-believers, all joined together in unity for pure worship. It will be at this time, in the near future, that all of Almighty God's faithful servants on earth, finally receive this grand anointing from Jehovah, just as Joel 2:28, 29 foretold centuries ago.

I am looking forward to that day, with great confidence. :D


Re: What Really Happened (Back Then) With The False Teaching Of 1975?

Posted: Tue Jun 18, 2024 7:13 am
by Apollyon (Rev. 9:11)
Hi TruthFinder, :)

Greetings . . . I'm the Admin here, Donald C. Burney, and welcome to our discussion board! :D

(I wrote this article in June of 2004, and put it on Board. Here is a portion or excerpt from it, relevant to this discussion.)

Regarding your question on the cut-off date of 1935 taught by the Watchtower Society in years past, I think it fair to say today, Jehovah's Witnesses are NOT encouraged to display any, any real "thinking ability" (Proverbs 1:4 NWT) among themselves, even though the Watchtower Society's publications do to some degree, pay nominal "lip service" to the idea.

I'll give you an example of what I mean.

Ask yourself:

1) Did Jehovah's Witnesses the world over, accept and teach the date of 1935 for many, many years, as a valid, scriptural "cut-off" date for the "anointed" being selected by Jehovah? Think about it.

I think we all know, the obvious answer to the above question is a resounding, "YES!"

So, in this rebellious way, they openly challenged the Authority of Jehovah and Jesus Christ's God-given Authority over the Christian Congregation, thus trampling on John 3:8 before everyone at the kingdom halls world wide, with no remorse or shame at all. (Afterall, as Jeffrey W. said in the Update, "... we as GB members, don't have to apologize about any past mistakes made, to anyone.") They acted just like what we would expect of someone who made himself a "god" in God's Temple over His people, like the "Man of Lawlessness." -- 2 Thessalonians 2:3, 4

(See link: )

2) Now ask yourself another pertinent, keenly relevant question: Were Jehovah's Witnesses the world over, in many cases and in many congregations, even indignant (in some cases outright enraged) toward any new ones, recently baptized ones, that claimed to be a selection of Jehovah, anyone claiming to being recently "anointed" by Jehovah God, so far after the so-called "cut-off" date of 1935? They attacked and persecuted these new ones, shamelessly. All because of the bidding, insistence and ignorant raving arrogance of the Watchtower Society and its Governing Body.

Did you personally eye-witness this situation, in many congregations?

Perhaps you did. I know I did.

3) Again, ask yourself, what date was "Gilead" first opened, (IN 1943) to train missionaries to go overseas to "distant" lands spreading the message? (Acts 1:8) Now, please keep that date in mind, 1943.

4) Were not Jehovah's Witnesses the world over, all aware of the unique purpose of the "Gilead" School, which supposedly was to help accelerate the preaching work of Jehovah's Witnesses around the world, helping them spread the "good news" in faraway places overseas, even to the "most distant parts of the earth"? Were Jehovah's Witnesses all aware of this fact? (See Acts 1:8.)

5) And if that is so, what bearing would Revelation 5:9, 10 have on accomplishing that commission, especially toward locating "anointed" ones from these "distant" lands, who had never, ever heard the message before?

6) Given these circumstances, would it be possible, even probable for newly selected "anointed" ones, to come out (as "first-fruits") of the labors the preaching work of "Gilead" graduates, based upon what the verses plainly said at Revelation 5:9, 10?

7) Therefore given these facts, how could the date of 1935, in any way shape or form be considered a valid "cut-off" date, for the selection of the "anointed" who live in distant lands (Acts 1:8), in harmony with God's Expressed Will shown in Revelation 5:9, 10, with the heavenly "anointed" class, supposedly coming from all languages & peoples?

Now ask yourself:

... Can we say, Jehovah's Witnesses really possess, real "thinking ability" as the bible recommends? (Proverbs 1:4)

Remember, Jehovah's Witnesses for many, many years taught the "cut-off" date for the selection of the "anointed" was the year of 1935 ... several years BEFORE the school of "Gilead" was ever opened, in 1943.

There can be no doubt, without possessing real "thinking ability," Jehovah's Witnesses are easy prey for their great adversary, Satan the Devil, and his chief tool, the Governing Body of Jehovah's Witnesses. (See 2 Thessalonians 2:3, 4; 1 Peter 5:8.)

Have a nice day. :)

Apollyon (Rev. 9:11)


Re: What Really Happened (Back Then) With The False Teaching Of 1975?

Posted: Tue Jun 18, 2024 12:04 pm
by TruthFinder
Thank you all for such a warm welcome to your community! :D

As for the GB's cut-off date of 1935, in view of what is said at John 3:8, the GB and WBTS are real crooks. They do not follow the scriptures at all. And anybody following them, calling them the "Faithful & Discreet Slave," are NOT Christians either, but are willingly wicked

JWs are truly disgusting!

Thanks to the all of you, for your many insights shared. :ugeek:


Re: What Really Happened (Back Then) With The False Teaching Of 1975?

Posted: Tue Jun 18, 2024 1:38 pm
by 1975JWExpert

I remember many cases in the congregation, where even experienced JWs were terrified of professing to be of the anointed. Many hiding the night of the Memorial, and having a separate memorial at home, away from the congregation's knowledge. They were so afraid to tell anyone in the congregation for fear of reprisals.

I remember one guy, where he and his whole family was practically driven out of the kingdom hall. He was called "demonized" openly by many in the congregation. The elders liked to deliberately schedule him to read the Watchtower study article from the platform, as the Watchtower Reader for that particular week. That is if the subject matter was about the cut-off date of 1935 or about long held church views of Christendom or the churches, being somehow behind the reason these wayward JWs were professing to be of the "anointed."

In one case, I remember one such brother admitted to me that the pressure from the friends was almost unbearable, and terribly hard on his wife who was studying at the time. The whole family nearly went down because of it.

This was all because of the teaching and influence of the Governing Body and their visible disdain for the words of Jesus at John 3:8.

And there were many more cases I saw, just like that.

Re: What Really Happened (Back Then) With The False Teaching Of 1975?

Posted: Wed Jun 19, 2024 10:02 am
by Apollyon (Rev. 9:11)
work4jah wrote: Mon Jun 17, 2024 7:36 pm
As far as the 1935 cut-off date, I heard about that many times throughout the years in magazines and talks. They told the story as very important JW history. Back in 1935 at an assembly in Washington D.C., Judge Rutherford gave a historic talk. It was about the "Great Crowd" of Revelation 7:9-15 and it was understood to be made up of "other sheep", meaning Christians with an earthly hope, and they would be showing up in the last days as a group that would survive Armageddon and enter right into the millennial reign without ever dying. This was seen as a "brilliant flash of spiritual light", and many were baptized because of this speech given on Friday, May 31, 1935. Also, that talk brought about a great ingathering and much growth of the JW religion was seen. They believed it was Jehovah's purpose to gather a "great crowd" who would survive right into his new world. The identifying of the "great crowd of other sheep" of John 10:16, "millions now living who will never die", and "the sheep" that are separated from "the goats" were all covered in The Watchtower, August 1st and 15th, 1935.


I believe you are quite right on your research. It is a simpleton idea to believe that with the appearance of the "Great Crowd" in 1935, as they claim, that the "anointed" cease to be gathered by Jehovah, in that year. It is a ridiculous idea, by JF Rutherford,to make that a cut-off date, for the gathering of the "anointed."


Re: What Really Happened (Back Then) With The False Teaching Of 1975?

Posted: Wed Jun 19, 2024 8:00 pm
by Breaker (Micah 2:13)
Hello everyone. I am "Breaker (Micah 2:13)". (I decided to add a scripture behind my username too, like you people are doing. Neat idea.) :ugeek:

Everyone on this discussion board is very "scriptural" . I like that. I think you guys have an excellent conversation going on here! :D

I always wondered about those people that claimed to be of the anointed in the congregation. Some of the friends (JWs) used to think, if a person went out in field service a lot, they might be of the anointed. Others at the hall hated the idea. They used to give those people, those brothers/sisters, a hard way to go. Many refused to work with them in field service too. Saying they were "bad association". (1 Cor. 15:33)

Some elders, from the platform gave talks against it; against any new ones professing to be of the anointed. I remember this.


Re: What Really Happened (Back Then) With The False Teaching Of 1975?

Posted: Thu Jun 20, 2024 11:39 am
by LivingWaters Flows

I have a question. I was reading some of your written material, one of your blogs on "Liberation From Babylon".

(See link: )

My question is, why do you say Jesus liberated first century Christians, like Peter and the apostles, from "Babylon" of his time?

Thanks in advance for your comments.

LW Flows (Zech. 14:8)

Re: What Really Happened (Back Then) With The False Teaching Of 1975?

Posted: Thu Jun 20, 2024 6:22 pm
by Esoteric
LivingWaters Flows wrote: Thu Jun 20, 2024 11:39 am Hi,

I have a question. I was reading some of your written material, one of your blogs on "Liberation From Babylon".

(See link: )

My question is, why do you say Jesus liberated first century Christians, like Peter and the apostles, from "Babylon" of his time?

Thanks in advance for your comments.

LW Flows

Welcome to the board LivingWaters Flows.

My name is Esoteric and I am a moderator here, if I can be of any help to you let me know.

I want to thank you for your participation and welcome you to the board. :D

The first century nation of natural Israel were in "Babylonian captivity," spiritually speaking. They were spiritually starving, hungering and thirsting. Yes, they desperately needed to be liberated from "Babylon the Great" or their "religious spiritual leaders", the Pharisees and Sadducees. They were compared to Babylon who kept several million Israelite servants of Jehovah in complete bondage. -- See Matthew 9:36; Luke 4:16-21.

For example,

John the 9th chapter tells us of the experience of the blind man who upon getting healed was harshly questioned and intimidated by the Pharisees and Sadducees. John 9:17,22 Gives us the account, where the blind man, after being healed by Jesus, confessed Jesus as a prophet, was wickedly threatened to be "expelled" or put our of the synagogue because of his faith in Jesus.

I parallel this first century abuse and intimidation to the present-day tactics of the Governing Body (and local elders who carry out their wicked instructions to the letter) now, presently. Their judicial committee meetings are like "inquisitions" of the dark ages. No questions can be asked by those accused of "apostasy," because of inquiring about such things like: (1) the Australian Royal Commission on Child Abuse with over 1,000 cases going UNREPORTED to authorities, , (2) NGO/UN secret affiliation hypocritically being hidden from JW brotherhood for 10 years, 1914 false teaching with overlapping generation teaching nonsense added to conceal the obvious lie of a teaching, ect, ect . When it comes to dealing with the GB and local elders, you are expected to to take everything at face value from them without proof. And if we do ask or question anything about their clandestine activities, then we are treated harshly as the blind man in John 9th chapter, "expelled" or disfellowshipped immediately, and labeled an "apostate."

There is no genuine love among them, contrary to what Jesus promised at John 13:35, no fruits of the spirit as Paul taught. (Galatians 5:22,23) It is as Isaiah 28:10 and Matthew 15:8,9 says, man-made "command after command," and "commandments of men" instead of God's Word prevailing.

Man's rule... instead of God's rule. "babylonish captivity." The work of modern day Babylon The Great We must flee from them, the bible tells us. (Rev.18:4)

There can be no doubt, the Governing Body (and WTBTS) today are comparable to "Babylon" [Pharisees] of the first century and the Sheep are in desperate need of Liberation, just as modern day JWs are in need of freedom from modern day "Babylon the Great." We can make this important link, by noticing Isaiah's prophecy about the messiah's work mentioned in Isaiah Chapter 61 and what Jesus himself said about his ministry at Luke 4th chapter.

Hope this helps


Re: What Really Happened (Back Then) With The False Teaching Of 1975?

Posted: Thu Jun 20, 2024 6:47 pm
by work4jah
Hi LW Flows,

The blog you are speaking of is awesome!!! In the sense that it will help us all (Jehovah's Witnesses) really understand what we are up against, the thing that is affecting us and controlling our thoughts in that we are not allowed to use our own thinking ability.

It is not literal captivity that we are suffering like the ancient Israelites who literally got taken captive down to Babylon for 70 years. This is a picture that Jesus drew from and it helps us understand another type of captivity. Jesus had to liberate people of his time from spiritual captivity, of the mind. The oppressive religious system had enslaved people just as much as if they were physically captives. The blog brings out that they were spiritually impoverished, imprisoned, and blind.Jesus, as the Greater Cyrus came to liberate the "lost sheep of the house of Israel".

So now how does this information help us today? Can you see a pattern here? This is soooo important because this information helps us to positively identify who MYSTERY BABYLON THE GREAT is, and how we need to GET OUT OF HER...MY PEOPLE. Jehovah was talking to HIS PEOPLE!!! Revelation is talking about Babylon The Great, the absolute worst Babylon, and the one that we have to contend with in our day, this time of the end that Revelation was talking about. And the one that we need to "get out of".
See Revelation 18:4

When you go to a blog, you will find a PDF button at the end of the blog and you can save it but what I like to do is print it out because I can study it and go over it with a fine tooth comb, looking closely at every scripture.

There is much more in this blog but I just hit the main thoughts.

As the late Bob Marley said... "Liberate yourself from mental slavery"!!!

Let me know your thoughts.


Re: What Really Happened (Back Then) With The False Teaching Of 1975?

Posted: Thu Jun 20, 2024 6:50 pm
by Mary
Greetings LW Flows, :D

First, I want to welcome you to Jehovah's Truth. And please feel free to ask us for help at any time. Sometimes we may point you to an article tat sums up just what you ask about. We enjoy helping new ones to understand truths from the bible. I like your name, as all of YORWW discussion boards do flow with the "Living Waters" you speak of. By the end of the 90 day program, you will be scuba diving in the deep living waters of truth! -- Zech. 14:8

Your very first post and you ask a good question. :ugeek:

So back in Isaiah's day, he was commissioned to tell this "good news" to meek, broken hearted, and to the Jewish captives of Babylon according to Isaiah 61:1, 2. What is important is the words, "the wide opening of the eyes even to the prisoners." Jesus. himself quotes these scriptures in the temple on Sabbath to the Jewish congregation. No one was physically in in chains or jail so one would have to believe Jesus is referring to a "mental and/or spiritual captivity." That is why Jesus said, "He [Jehovah] sent me forth to preach a release to the captives."

Why would you come to this conclusion, you may ask. Because Jesus warns the Jewish people many times about obeying doctrines of men, the blind leading the blind, the leaven of the Pharisees, or how the Pharisees have taken away the "key of knowledge." See Matt. 15:7-9, 15:14, 23:13; Luke 11:52; Mark 7:7.

In the first century, the Pharisees taught the "oral law" as they call it. Jesus called it "doctrines of men." Isn't that what the Governing Body" teach??? No beards, you must wear and coat and tie, women are to wear dresses, etc...and then down the road you can have a beard or wear a sport shirt and no tie, and women can now wear pants??? And the list of dos and don'ts goes on and on. These rules are not in the bible but just like Jesus said, "doctrines of men." So instead of teaching you bible truths the elders [modern day Pharisees] are teaching "requirements of men." Requirements of the GB. You are so busy keeping these doctrines of the GB that you do not learn any bible truths.

So Jesus, by pointing these things out to the Jews was, Jesus was fulfilling scripture by "the wide opening of the eyes even to the prisoners." The prisoners [Jews in the first century], who were in a "mental captivity" were being liberated by Jesus.

One last thought, you need to look at the first century as a paradigm to what is occurring today, right now. Once you see that everything falls into place. Think about it. :idea:

take care,
