What Really Happened (Back Then) With The False Teaching Of 1975?

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Apollyon (Rev. 9:11)
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What Really Happened (Back Then) With The False Teaching Of 1975?

Post by Apollyon (Rev. 9:11) »

Hi everyone,

The following information (as shown below) should prove to be quite helpful to any who want to know more about the "inside details" and massive coverup concerning the insidious, false teaching of 1975 among Jehovah's Witnesses . . . as told by those who lived through those years as baptized, dedicated active adult members of the organization.

Apollyon (Rev. 9:11)
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Re: What Really Happened (Back Then) With The Teaching Of The Date Of 1975???

Post by Apollyon (Rev. 9:11) »

Watchtower Society Video Explains Who Is The Real Blame For The False Expectations Of 1975 Teaching!

Here is the Video & Commentary by Susan Gaskin on 1975 False Teaching: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Xwvi2Jpd9KU

Apollyon (Rev. 9:11)
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Re: What Really Happened (Back Then) With The Teaching Of The Date Of 1975???

Post by Apollyon (Rev. 9:11) »

Another Factual Video On 1975 False Teaching

Here is the video by Info Hub: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZGs300U2FQE&t=233s


See also this article on a related topic: http://www.jehovahstruth.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=47
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Re: What Really Happened (Back Then) With The False Teaching Of 1975?

Post by 1975JWExpert »

A Close Comparison Of Two Distinct Paragraphs Written In The Watchtower magazines . . .

The July 15th, 1976 Watchtower magazine quote:

"But it is not advisable for us to set our sights on a certain date...If anyone has been disappointed through not following this line of thought he should now concentrate on adjusting his viewpoint, seeing that it was not the word of God that failed or deceived him and brought disappointment, but that his own understanding was based on wrong premises." Watchtower 7/15/1976 p.441

At first, it looks like the Watchtower writers are placing the real blame upon the brothers in general, for the false expectations, and disappointments from the false teaching of 1975.

But actually, they are not.

The first quote was written while the then President of the Watchtower Society Nathan Homer Knorr and His Vice-President Frederick W. Franz were still alive. The above statement was originally written to primarily humiliate them both, while occupying their offices of oversight, since it was believed (and generally known) they were mainly responsible for pushing the date of 1975, as an insinuated, Armageddon date in the JW literature. They taught it was more of a "probability" than a mere "possibility," which proved to be very, very wrong.

In other words, "2 schools of thought" at Bethel Headquarters on the date of 1975.

It seems, this bold statement was made by eager members of the newly empowered Governing Body, who could actually make such bold admissions, since they had duly received power and authority over Watchtower publications, ever since January 1st, 1976. So, the Watchtower magazine was used to chastise these men.

Now, let us notice the following quote, which tells more about the critical situation.

The March 15th, 1980 Watchtower magazine quote:

"With the appearance of the book Life Everlasting in Freedom of the Sons of God, and its comments as to how appropriate it would be for the millennial reign of Christ to parallel the seventh millennium of mans existence, considerable expectation was aroused regarding the year 1975. Unfortunately, however, along with such cautionary information, There were other statements published that implied that such realization of hopes by that year was more of a probability than a mere possibility. There were statements made then, and thereafter, stressing that this was only a possibility. It is to be regretted that these latter statements apparently overshadowed the cautionary ones and contributed to a build-up of the expectation already initiated....In saying anyone, the Watchtower included all disappointed ones of Jehovah's Witnesses, hence including persons having to do with the publication of the information that contributed to the build-up of hopes centered on that date. (Watchtower, March 15, 1980, p. 17-18)

Last edited by 1975JWExpert on Sat May 25, 2024 10:48 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: What Really Happened (Back Then) With The False Teaching Of 1975?

Post by 1975JWExpert »


Yes, we are going back quite a few years, aren't we.

I was a little older than most back then, that is by October of 1975 . . . the big date and all.

I was an adult at the time, married, and serving as a full-time regular pioneer. Back then I was a Min. Servant and was permitted to do lots of things in the congregation, because I was "serving where the need was greater," along with my wife.

At that time, I was permitted to be a Book Study Conductor, Theocratic Ministry School (as it was called back then) Conductor, Public Speaker inside and outside the congregation as a visiting speaker, in 1975. Later in April of 1978, I became the Presiding Overseer for a small congregation at the age of 25, with lots of privileges on assemblies, and so on.

I was made aware of "insider" problems at Brooklyn Bethel between 1978-1980, by way of a newly arrived Bethelite who had close ties with certain "heavies" at Bethel during that time. (When he arrived, I was personally involved in a big fight/dispute with a C.O. and a D.O. in a struggle of human issues within the local congregation, which eventually required the presence of a "Special Committee" to settle the problem. This Bethelite friend helped me out with this situation.)

The newly arrived Bethelite and myself, was on the phone with Brooklyn Bethel to get advise on how to proceed. Two members of the three-man Committee that was responsible for the writing of the "Aid To Bible Understanding" publication were the ones we dealt with. Ray Franz was one of the two we dealt with. My ex-Bethelite friend was a very close associate with these men, and very close with NH Knorr, believe it or not. He talked about him all the time, sometime with tears. Yeap, he wanted to go back to Brooklyn Bethel so bad he could taste it.

I later served in the Gadsden, Alabama Circuit in a small nearby town, when Ray & wife arrived there and starting working for Peter Gregerson, who headed up Warehouse Groceries at the time.

Let's just say, the whole ordeal was quite an experience and eye-opener for a young man, in his mid-twenties among Jehovah's Witnesses, during those years.

But somehow, I survived, happily. :)

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Re: What Really Happened (Back Then) With The False Teaching Of 1975?

Post by 1975JWExpert »

September 7th, 1975 -- War At Brooklyn Bethel!!!

Frederick W. Franz Explodes "Governing Body" False Teaching (Taught In Newly Released "Aid To Bible Understanding" Book) before audience of Gilead Graduates At Brooklyn Bethel Headquarters -- September 7th, 1975

Hear audio of actual Frederick W. Franz 1975 Gilead speech where he scripturally debunks concept of first century Governing Body's existence. (Audio of Gilead Talk available at YouTube.)

See and hear two individuals discuss Raymond V. Franz's personal recall of this actual 1975 Bethel event on video Youtube link:

See and hear eye-witness testimony of one who was an actual member of the Governing Body of Jehovah's Witnesses for 9 years. Notice his comments on how the Bible, God's Word, was actually viewed by these men who governed the JW Organization with absolute and complete authority. (See Matthew 15:7-9, Mark 7:7, 8): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F_2C08O ... hamicFaith

In a most controversial speech, delivered September 7th, 1975, the then Watchtower Society Vice-President Fred W. Franz holds up the Watchtower's first true Bible reference book, "Aid to Bible Understanding" before the entire audience at the Gilead Graduation ceremonies. Ironically, it was the research done for this volume which led both to (a) the "new light" on the elder arrangement, and (b) the establishment of the modern concept of a "Governing Body," which supposedly held divinely approved authority over all first century Christians.

On September 7th, 1975. before an audience of loyal, soon-to-be missionaries for Jehovah's Witnesses at Gilead Training School, then Vice President Franz vehemently and sarcastically destroyed the Watchtower's "new light" on the necessity of a "Governing Body". The concept of one centralized authority, it seems, was not the bee in Franz's bonnet. What DID upset Franz seemed to be the new Governing Body's attempt to find justification for this dogma in the Acts of the Apostles, chapter 15. Franz used the book of Acts itself to dismantle the Watchtower Society's pretense (taught in the newly released "Aid To Bible Understanding" Publication) of finding precedent for this "Governing Body'" Concept in the New Testament.

Please research the above information for yourselves, to ascertain the facts.

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Re: What Really Happened (Back Then) With The False Teaching Of 1975?

Post by 1975JWExpert »

No doubt, if the rank and file JW could finally see, there was War/Upheaval going on at Bethel Headquarters (among the Governing Body) which started in 1975 (failed prediction) up till 1980 (when RV Franz was removed), then they would know how greatly divided their GB leaders were. It was like, in 1975 and the failed prediction staring them in the face, they became acutely divided into a "Trump Maga GOP" Crowd vs. a "Biden-Harris Democrat" Crowd, with Knorr & F. Franz representing the latter group. They became the "old guard", the establishment, who had to be ousted. The old guys, Knorr & F. Franz, who had ruled the JW Organization unopposed since the early 1940s.

In the Spring of 1980, everything came to a head. RV Franz got booted from the GB.

The events that happened at Bethel Headquarters, between those years of 1975-1980 absolutely proves there was no "spirit-directed organization" in existence among Jehovah's Witnesses. They were greatly divided. They were fighting between themselves. The GB was at war.

And it all got started with that failed prediction of 1975.

Thus we can see, the Governing Body is a highly political organization in itself. Its politics, at its best.

Which is why Raymond V. Franz said openly many times, since 1980, the GB (including Knorr & F. Franz) don't even consider the bible as a guide at all, in making their "holy" decisions. They never have. This is public knowledge on YouTube for all to see. (JWs don't have to have his books for that.)

Hence we have these ridiculous assertions or "GB Updates" surfacing, about wearing a beard or not, and sisters being permitted to wear slacks or not, and counting field service time or just check a box, and on and on. None of this stuff is scriptural. This is obvious.

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Re: What Really Happened (Back Then) With The False Teaching Of 1975?

Post by 1975JWExpert »

The Bethel Apostate Purge of 1980 Audio Clip

These two (2) videos was released 4 years ago by JW Escape on YouTube. Here are the two (2) videos:

Part. 1 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xIPkoDPrL6Y

Part. 2 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pU60dPdqTKI

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Re: What Really Happened (Back Then) With The False Teaching Of 1975?

Post by 1975JWExpert »

The YORWW Bible Institute & Religious Studies Group

The YORWW Bible Institute & Religious Studies Group and members thereof, have been posting on various discussion boards on the internet consistently, for more than 30 years, believe it or not.

Simply put, when we do this, we are NOT peddling ideas, recruiting or proselyting for membership in any form or fashion.

Instead, we feel we are under special instructions by the Most High Himself, to give official notice to all Jehovah's Witnesses (former or current) of the impending consequences of violation of His Holy Covenant, and the resulting culmination of Matthew 21:43 upon this wayward, miserable, "apostate" people. (See Isaiah 10:6 NWT; Daniel 11:30, 32.)

See link about covenant violation: https://www.yorww.com/disgustingthing.htm

We have no need to beg, recruit, persuade people (JWs) nor feel any obligation to do anything toward them. (Jehovah's Witnesses have already signed-on-the-dotted-line and have obligated themselves to the Almighty by way of a covenant-relationship when they got baptized. That's a done deal.) We simply tell people, or announce to them, that because of Great Sin being committed on their part, they are surely facing Jehovah God and His Son Jesus Christ, in certain judgment and wrath, as the "House of God." (See 1 Peter 4:17.)

What you do with this special info . . . is entirely up to you. :)

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Re: What Really Happened (Back Then) With The False Teaching Of 1975?

Post by 1975JWExpert »

Jehovah's Witnesses Are A Cult . . . Pure & Simple!

The wickedness we see prevalent today among the Jehovah’s Witnesses, in an overall sense, can no doubt be largely attributed to the leadership of the organization, the Watchtower Society and it's Governing Body . . . the so-called "Faithful & Discreet Slave" Class. Therefore, rather than completely destroy the entire nation of Jehovah’s Witnesses as most would normally expect, Jehovah The Almighty chooses instead as an option, to “discipline” the nation or people, to bring a “remnant” to their senses. -- 1 Kings 8:46-50

However, bible prophecy indicates that the Watchtower Society and leaders thereof, plus those who stubbornly support the JW Organization to the end, will receive a very special punishment – utter and complete, everlasting destruction! -- (See Rev. 18:4; Also Volume II.)

We must realize that Jehovah God could easily exercise his Almighty power to destroy the entire nation of Jehovah’s Witnesses from the face of the earth with one swipe of His Mighty Hand according to Malachi 4:5, 6. Nevertheless instead, in His mercy and “loyalty” to His promises, His Name, and His covenant with them [Apostate Israel-Isa. 10:6], He chooses to exercise certain provisions within this covenant-contract with the nation, much like the ones Solomon spoke of as found at 1 Kings 8:46-50.

End of quote.

(These words were written down and copyrighted some 30 years ago and put into a book called "The Report".)

For more information on the above topic, please click this link: Jehovah's Witnesses Are A Cult . . . Pure & Simple!

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