God's "Sacred Secret" Revealed In The "Scapegoat" Covenant! -- Leviticus 16:10

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Apollyon (Rev. 9:11)
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God's "Sacred Secret" Revealed In The "Scapegoat" Covenant! -- Leviticus 16:10

Post by Apollyon (Rev. 9:11) »

(A Close Analysis of Leviticus 16:10)
See blog with graphics at: http://www.yorww.com/scapegoat.htm

Can Your Religion Correctly Explain The “Scapegoat”???
- Leviticus 16:10

Jehovah's Witnesses recently distributed the October 1st, 2011 issue of the Watchtower magazine in your neighborhood. Sooooo ... have you personally read this particular issue of the Watchtower magazine yet? Interestingly in it, the following specific criticism is made about other church organizations besides Jehovah's Witnesses, on page 9, paragraph 2:
"...Some churches discourage the idea of comparing their teachings with what the Bible says..."

One could wonder at this point, aren't Jehovah's Witnesses themselves NOTORIOUS for doing the very same thing? For example, if a Jehovah's Witness, using the bible, begins to question certain "pet" teachings or “hidden” practices of their religion (such as 1914 doctrine, 607 B.C.E. date for Jerusalem's destruction, United Nations NGO 10-year Secret Involvement, etc.), aren't such ones ultimately “marked," shunned, and even disfellowshiped under the charge of being an APOSTATE ... isn't this so??? -- For more information on these topics, see the book called The Report Volume I, chapters 6 & 7.

Further, upon examination you will note this particular article even tells churchgoers of other religions:

"...You could also hold back from scrutinizing your beliefs out of fear that doing so would display a lack of faith. But does it make sense that God would be displeased with you for looking into the Bible, his message to mankind, to understand what he asks of you? On the contrary, his Word encourages you to examine the Scriptures personally, saying: "Prove to yourselves the good and acceptable and perfect will of God."-Romans 12:2." -- See the October 1st, 2011 Watchtower magazine page 9, paragraph 3.

After reading the above, this writer wonders if Jehovah's Witnesses themselves, are willing to do the same for their own religious beliefs... Hmmmmmmmmm. What do you think? Well, let's see. Please examine the following information below.

A Serious Question For All Jehovah's Witnesses Earth Wide To Ponder, Addressed In This Essay:

If you are a bible study of Jehovah’s Witnesses or planning on getting baptized by them, or a workmate, schoolmate, neighbor, friend, relative or just a person of interest, why not ask any ... any Jehovah's Witness the following,

Why does the New World Translation say the second goat [or "live goat"] of Leviticus 16:10 is ATONED FOR,” especially when Jehovah's Witnesses teach it is suppose to picture Jesus Christ, a sinless man? Can they explain this to you??? -- See Insight On The Scriptures Volume 1, page 226, paragraph 3.

Additionally, A Serious Question For All Bible Students Of All Religions World Wide To Ponder, Addressed In This Essay:

Why in Leviticus 14:6, 51, is the “living bird” DIPPED IN THE BLOOD of the first [killed] bird, and what lesson do we think God has been trying to teach us with this illustration / procedure for over 3,600 years? -- See Leviticus 14:6, 51.

(A Close Analysis of Leviticus 16:10) Part 1
In the most magnificent way, Jehovah accomplishes all things thru the precious blood of Jesus Christ. This is especially true of the mysterious "Scapegoat" Sacrifice that Jehovah has prepared for modern day "Israel" of our time, to cleanse them of heinous sin. Therefore, as we consider this written material, let's keep uppermost in mind that our discovery of these unthinkable, "incomprehensible" thoughts, and "peering" into this matter is only by the Divine Permission of Jehovah God Himself -- this "peering" into matters that even angels wish to, yes this very, very deep matter of the Sacred Secret of the "Scapegoat" Covenant. This unknown covenant is something that has been hidden from mankind and even angels in heaven for untold centuries...millenniums even. Thus, it becomes the Greatest of All "Sacred Secrets" from God Almighty Himself, withheld from mankind itself since mankind's creation. Yes, a "Sacred Secret" so great, so powerful, that when fully understood and comprehended by mankind in general, it will completely revolutionize the way mankind thinks of Genesis 3:15 and what God intended originally, in the Garden of Eden when he uttered this most important prophecy and its outworking for our day and time. Let us read on to see why we say this is so. -- Jeremiah 33:3; Ephesians 3:9; James 1:25; 1 Peter 1:12

Jeremiah 33:3 says for our benefit:

"Call to me, and I shall answer you and readily tell you great and incomprehensible things that YOU HAVE NOT KNOWN."

Yes, to be sure, one of the most amazing verses in the bible which speaks of "great," and "incomprehensible things" that mankind has NOT known of before, all hidden within the Holy Scriptures themselves for thousands of years, millenniums, can be found below at Leviticus 16:10. This verse plainly says:

"But the goat over which the lot came up for Azazel should be stood alive before Jehovah TO MAKE ATONEMENT FOR IT, so as to send it away for Azazel into the wilderness." -- Leviticus 16:10 New World Translation

Of course we speak of the "Scapegoat," (which is named such in a number of bibles like the popular King James Version, New International Version, as well as the Septuagint Version of the bible), or as some translations refer to this "goat," yes, as the "living goat" that proves to be the 2nd goat in the scenario of the Day of Atonement procedure. Maybe, you personally remember reading about this, when reading the 16th chapter of Leviticus. If so, you no doubt recall reading about this 2nd "goat," the “live goat” that is surprisingly, "ATONED FOR" before … yes, before it is used by Jehovah God in a special sacrificial sense. Indeed, a careful analysis of this verse, namely Leviticus 16:10, shows us the 2nd goat is actually "ATONED FOR" before it is to be used in a "sacrificial sense" for God. All of this means, this “goat,” could not picture Jesus Christ, in any way shape or form. No, it must picture someone else, besides Jesus Christ.

Indeed, the 2nd goat that is ultimately "sent into the wilderness" to "atone" for the nation’s sins, is itself first, "atoned for" before being "presented" to Jehovah for sacrificial use. (Lev. 16:10, 20) Thus, when it is "presented" to Jehovah, it has been cleansed in God's eyes, made holy and prepared BY MEANS OF the 1st goat, which obviously pictures Jesus Christ. Thus, we can say with absolute certainty then, Jesus Christ must picture the 1st sacrificial goat, and to date, an unknown imperfect human should logically picture the 2nd goat...the one we call the Scapegoat of God. Therefore, based upon the foregoing, it would be the height of foolishness to say or teach Jesus Christ pictures both the 1st goat, and the 2nd goat, as the Watchtower Society, and all other so-called “Christian” religions currently teach world wide. Yes, since we all know, Jesus had no "sins" to be "atoned for" at all. He was a perfect man. No doubt, this is a point that has escaped the notice of many bible scholars earth wide, including the Watchtower Society. -- See John 8:46; Hebrews 7:26.

For example, take this comment from the Watchtower Society’s release, Insight on the Scriptures Volume 1 page 225 under the heading of “Azazel,” third paragraph. It states in part:

“...However, the goat for Azazel was preserved alive for a time ‘before Jehovah to make atonement for it, so as to send it away for Azazel into the wilderness.’ (Le 16:5, 7-10 New World Translation) Atonement for this live goat issued from the blood of the goat for Jehovah, which had just been killed as a sin offering, the life of the flesh being in the blood. (Le 17:11) The blood value, or life value, of the slain goat was thus transferred to the live goat, or the goat for Azazel. Thus, though it was not killed by the priest, this live goat bore upon it a sin-atoning merit or a value of life. The fact that it was presented before Jehovah evidently indicates that he recognized this transfer of merit or sin-atoning power.”

Now what do you think of this small bit of information presented above?

Well, the most obvious question that one could ask here is:

...If Jesus pictures both “goats” then in this prophetic drama, as all Christian religions believe including the Watchtower Society and all Jehovah’s Witnesses, then why … oh why would there even be a need to TRANSFER … TRANSFER the “sin-atoning merit or a value of life” to the second goat??? In fact, there would be no need … no need to “TRANSFER” anything, since Jesus pictures both goats, isn’t that so???

Incredibly, this foolish statement on the Watchtower Society’s part came about because they had just quoted from their own translation in verse 10 saying the second goat had been “atoned for.” Did you notice this? Which means this “atoning” occurred no doubt by way of God’s applying the “sin-atoning merit” of the “blood” from the first goat, invariably to the second “goat” or “live goat.” That was the God-inspired arrangement. However, when the Watchtower Society chose to speak of something, anything for that matter, yes being transferred in this case, it would not make good sense, indeed if the second goat also pictured Jesus Christ. No, it would NOT make good sense.

Therefore, when we think about this above stated viewpoint, isn’t this statement really like saying,

… Almighty God TRANSFERRED the “sin-atoning merit or value” of Jesus’ blood from the first goat [Jesus] … yes, to JESUS, the second goat??? Isn’t that so?

Yes, according to the Watchtower Society’s own words from their printed publications & bible translation, yes Jesus’ blood or the “merit” or “value” of it, was miraculously “transferred” FROM Jesus … oh my, to Jesus, since he, Jesus in addition to picturing the first “goat,” also amazingly pictured the second goat or “live goat” too. “Ridiculous!,” you say.

Yes, no doubt this is the kind of nonsensical statement on the part of the Watchtower Society which reminds many Jehovah’s Witnesses of equally foolish statements from staunch religionists of Christendom, who adamantly teach and believe Jesus is actually God. Oh my! Yes, when Jehovah’s Witnesses are out in “field service,” and they encounter these ones with this type of reasoning who shamelessly say such things like:

“… Jesus as Almighty God, when praying on earth, was actually PRAYING TO HIMSELF. [Our reaction was … “SAY WHAT”??? … And then they would continue…] Yes, Jesus prayed to himself, accordingly with Jesus also in heaven listening to his actual prayer being pronounced on earth, by Jesus. “Ridiculous” you say, right??? Well, it would be just as ridiculous to say that anything, that’s anything … was “TRANSFERRED” from the first goat to the second, if Jesus himself, pictured both goats.

Think about it!

No doubt, this explains the continued nonsense of the Watchtower Society, when they said the following about who is actually pictured by the Scapegoat, when they state:

“As the apostle Paul explained, by Jesus’ offering of his own perfect human life as a sacrifice for the sins of mankind, he accomplished far more than had been achieved by ‘the blood of bulls and of goats.’ (Heb. 10:4, 11, 12) He thus served as “the scapegoat,” being the ‘carrier of our sicknesses,’ the one “pierced for our transgression.” (Isa. 53:4, Mt 8:17; 1 Pe 2:24) He ‘carried away’ the sins of all who exercise faith in the value of his sacrifice. He demonstrated the provision of God to take sinfulness into complete oblivion. In these ways the goat “for Azazel” [Az•a’zel] pictures the sacrifice of Jesus Christ.” -- See Insight On The Scriptures, Volume 1, page 226 paragraph 3.

So we can see, the Watchtower Society does indeed believe the 2nd goat does picture Jesus Christ, along with the 1st goat too. Jesus pictures BOTH “goats” according to the Watchtower Society and Jehovah’s Witnesses. However we note something very interesting about this situation, namely, the "live goat", after being cleansed of sin, is then used in a sacrificial sense itself to "atone for" the nation's sins -- that’s AFTER its initial cleansing before God. Now, what do you think of that fact???

Also, according to scripture, all of the nation’s "sins" and "revolts" are next, confessed and "put upon" the head of the scapegoat or E-scapegoat, or "live goat" which is then, to be used in a sacrificial sense for NATIONAL SIN, as a “living” sacrifice. Which means, the 2nd “goat” is now, sent off into the wilderness for sacrificial purposes for the entire nation of Israel. But, first we remember, he must be cleansed from sin, yes, by means of the "1st goat," the one that was killed. Then the "live goat" can be viewed by God as a clean sacrifice and is now able to "carry off" the errors and transgressions of the entire nation, to the wilderness for God. -- Lev. 16: 21, 22

Think About It!


We can again, see this same drama visualized within the 14th chapter of Leviticus when we discuss the 2 birds used in the atonement procedure for the "leper" or leprosy. Two different "birds" are used in the procedure. The "1st bird" was killed and its blood spilled over running water. Next, the "2nd bird" the "live bird" was "dipped into the blood" of the first bird. So again, in this procedure, live the procedure of the "Day of Atonement," the "2nd bird" in this instance is cleansed, made holy and atoned for, by means of the first bird who was just sacrificed. (Lev. 14:4-7) And after this "dipping" procedure was carried out, the "2nd bird" was "sent away" to "open field" or to the wilderness. This was the scenario that was used in the procedure to follow, when a leper was cured from his disease and was now ready to be presented back to the congregation, whole and cleansed. The procedure was as follows:

"the priest must then give command; and he must take for cleansing himself two live clean birds and cedarwood and coccus scarlet material and hyssop. And the priest must give command, and the one bird must be killed in an earthenware vessel over running water. As for the living bird, he should take it and the cedarwood and the coccus scarlet material and the hyssop, and he must DIP THEM AND THE LIVING BIRD IN THE BLOOD OF THE BIRD THAT WAS KILLED over the running water. Then he must spatter it seven times upon the one cleansing himself from the leprosy and he must pronounce him clean, and he must SEND AWAY THE LIVING BIRD OVER THE OPEN FIELD." -- Lev. 14:4-7

So we see a correspondency in this instance, where the "live bird" is dipped into the "blood" of the first bird, which had been previously "killed" and its blood spilled before God. This first "bird" pictures Jesus Christ, willingly shedding his precious blood in a sacrificial sense, in behalf of the 2nd bird, the "living bird," who would in turn be later used in a sacrificial sense also, but much later, in behalf of a future nation of Israel of God's making. A modern-day "Israel" of God's making.

Also according to scripture, all of the nations "sins" and "revolts" are next, confessed and "put upon" the head of the scapegoat or E-scapegoat, or "live goat" which is then, to be used in a sacrificial sense for NATIONAL SIN, as a “living” sacrifice. Which means, the 2nd “goat” is now, sent off into the wilderness for sacrificial purposes for the entire nation of Israel. But, first we remember, the “live goat” must be cleansed from sin, yes, by means of the "1st goat," the one that was killed. Then the "live goat" can be viewed by God as a clean sacrifice and is now able to "carry off" the errors and transgressions of the entire nation, to the wilderness for God. (The fact that the “ready man” who released the 2nd goat came back himself “unclean,” proves the “sins” originally placed upon the head of the 2nd goat was NOT atoned for in the camp, as some religionists suggest.) -- See Leviticus 16: 21, 22, 26 NWT.


Therefore, in this instance, God gave us a preview of what he was about to accomplish using the precious blood of Jesus, upon an imperfect man, in a special sense, and making that man a human sacrifice to be used, at the appropriate time, at Jehovah God's discretion, IN FULFILLMENT OF THE PROMISE THAT JEHOVAH MADE ORIGINALLY IN THE GARDEN OF EDEN, AT GENESIS 3:15 (See in-depth article on this topic at:
http://www.yorww.com/mistake.html). This unique promise of God proves that one day, He would use the imperfect "seed of the woman" [Eve], in the most astonishing, astounding way. Of course, when Jehovah said it, no one but Jesus actually knew how Jehovah would accomplish the "ransoming" of mankind from sin, USING an imperfect descendant of mankind, the "seed of the woman," the seed of "Eve." This baffled everyone, all the angels in heaven, including wicked Satan the Devil. No one knew how Jehovah would accomplish such a feat. So again, this "creative day" too, started with "evening" or darkness for all concerned, just as all of the other days too started with "evening" and later "morning." This is primarily the reason today, the Great "Mystery of God" still persists, even in the last days of our system of things. -- Genesis 2:23; Revelation 10:7

But from "times long-lasting," Jehovah had it "hidden within himself," exactly what He was going to do, to accomplish such an amazing feat, all to show to all of his creation, heavenly and earthly, that "God is Wise ALONE...alone." (Romans 16:25-27; Ephesians 1:8-10; 3:9) In order to accomplish such a great feat for Himself, Jehovah decides to baffle everyone, heavenly or earthly, using this prophetic statement of Genesis 3:15, which would altogether, in the end times, show everyone that He is the ONLY ONE that is truly "wise." It would be the unique use of the precious "blood of Jesus" that would ultimately prove it, finally. (Romans 11:33; 16:27)

So then, what was challenged in the Garden of Eden, by the planned calculated wickedness of Satan the Devil to bring about sin and rebellion against Jehovah, was Jehovah's Great Wisdom or Foresight. Satan had challenged that established fact before all creation, heavenly or earthly.

Therefore to meet this Great Challenge, All-Wise Jehovah purposed to use the precious blood of Jesus upon an imperfect man, the "2nd goat," as it were, the "2nd bird" as it were, and bring about complete "justification" for that man, wherein the person would be rendered in God's sight as a "guiltless" one, or a man free from sin, just as Adam was. Jehovah could accomplish this thru the precious blood of Jesus. God would produce a "new creation," as it were. (2 Cor. 5:17) So, this person actually REPLACES ADAM God’s firstborn among mankind, not Jesus Christ, the firstborn of the heavens. (Psalms 45:16; 89:27; Colossians 1:15, 16) God would produce a person fully "justified" or "declared righteous" before us, as an anointed footstep follower of Jesus Christ, and thus a permanent member of the New Covenant that Jesus mediated. A permanent member of that Covenant and Law of Christ, wherein this person would be an eternal representative of Jesus Christ upon earth, forever and a eternal member of the "New Covenant" established by Jesus Christ, forevermore. Which means, as long as this person lives, the Covenant of Jesus, lives too, through this person upon earth. In this way, it becomes an eternal covenant...the "blood of an everlasting covenant" in itself, thru this imperfect man, that God decides to cleanse and use in this sacrificial capacity, as the Scapegoat. -- Hebrews 13:20


Romans 5:18 speaks of the justification of the Scapegoat or "2nd goat", the "live goat" this way,

"So, then as through one trespass the result to men of all sorts was condemnation, likewise also through one act of justification the result to men of all sorts is a declaring of them righteous for life."

Therefore thru the blood of Jesus, this one person, the person used to become the "2nd goat," or the "2nd bird" would have been completely "declared righteous for life," and by means of the blood of Jesus then, put on the same plateau of Adam, a perfect man free from sin. And in this way, this formerly imperfect man, could now be "declared righteous for life," before God. This would be the same as for all "anointed" ones of the first century, where Jesus himself described their situation as being ones who could be considered "guiltless ones." They are the ones that could be "declared guiltless by means of this one," Jesus Christ and his shed blood. -- Matthew 12:7; Acts 13:39

Therefore based upon that understanding of things, we can better perceive the actual happenings and actual NEED for another "Covenant" arrangement for "Israel," having lost their original Contract or Covenant that Jesus mediated, because of the Great Sin committed by the nation, via the UNITED NATIONS NGO SECRET LIASON of the Governing Body of Jehovah's Witnesses, committed in 1991...a National Sin which sinks the entire nation of Modern day "Israel", God's Name People, down in sin, treason and apostasy in God's eyes. A sin of treason and apostasy before Jehovah. -- See Lev. 4:3

However let the nation of Jamaica and even the whole earth be notified, that since their (Jehovah's Witnesses) recent fall in apostasy, as revealed by their secret alliance with the United Nations Organization as NGO supporters for ten (10) years (they applied in 1991 up thru 2001), indeed that most holy privilege of being exclusively considered Jehovah God's “Name People” on earth as modern-day Israel, has been STRIPPED FROM THE JEHOVAH’S WITNESSES, and given to the people of Jamaica, those who will obediently bear the righteous "fruits" Jehovah ultimately seeks. (Matthew 21:43; John 4:23; See in-depth article on this topic at: http://www.yorww.com/jamaica.htm also http://www.singnewsong.com/php3/viewtop ... f=31&t=438 .) Please note, because of this unique situation, powerful bible prophecy clearly indicates the Jehovah's Witnesses as a people are headed for severe internal problems, problems of such magnitude and proportions, that many will officially leave this religious organization … an event bible prophecy calls the “Birth” of the “Male Child.” -- Please compare Isaiah 66:5-7 with Revelation 12:1-5. -- See in-depth article on this topic at: http://www.yorww.com/rev12.htm .

We repeat, amazingly and to the shock of many around the world, bible prophecy actually indicates that awesome, grand privilege of becoming God's “Name People,” would fall upon the nation of Jamaica, numbering some 4 million plus, world wide. Indeed, the nation and people of Jamaica should now be properly recognized as "a People for God's Name," Modern Day "Israel" even, with the elite number of the 144,000 being selected or chosen from among their number, for a very special purpose in the “last days,” or “end times.” Yes, these very special individuals (144,000) would bear the Name of God "upon their foreheads" as loyal servants of God, singing as if a "New Song" upon Mount Zion, a "Song" that ONLY they themselves could fully "master" or "learn fully," with the special help and assistance of the once "Hidden" or "Concealed" Son of Man, the Modern Day "Servant" of God. -- See Acts 15:14; Isaiah 49:2; Revelation 14:1-5.


As described in Ezekiel 20:37, 38 after Israel is chased to the "wilderness" to have all of their "transgressors" and "revolters" as it were, "cleaned out from them", the prophet says of the nation's future,

"And I will make you pass under the rod and bring you into the bond of the covenant. And I will clean out from YOU the revolters and the transgressors against me, for out of the land of their alien residence I shall bring them forth, but onto the soil of Israel they will not come; and YOU people will have to know that I am Jehovah." -- Ezekiel 20:37, 38 New World Translation

The "bond of the covenant", would show the NEED for another Covenantal Arrangement, for the nation of Israel, in God's eyes. And this would be because the nation needed to be "atoned for," by some special means, by means of a "2nd goat" to come on the earthly scene...yes God Almighty foreknew in His infinite wisdom and understanding this would be the case, and therefore made it a PUBLIC RECORD by placing it in the bible itself as a part of the Mosaic Law Procedure itself... in Leviticus 14th and 16th chapters.

Also Jeremiah foresaw this day when another "covenant", in fact one called "an indefinitely lasting covenant" between Israel and Jehovah, would come into existence. A new "indefinitely lasting covenant" for Israel of our times, then would be needed for modern-day "Israel" itself when he said:

"In those days and at that time, is the utterance of Jehovah, the sons of Israel, they and the sons of Judah together, will come. They will walk, weeping as they walk, and for Jehovah their God they will seek. To Zion they will keep asking the way, with their faces in that direction, saying Come and let us join ourselves to Jehovah in an indefinitely lasting covenant that will not be forgotten." -- Jeremiah 50:4, 5 NWT

After Israel should realize their "fall" into apostasy from God, and are severely disciplined by Jehovah God in these "last days," they as a nation, will see the need to "join themselves to Jehovah in an indefinitely lasting covenant," in our modern day times.

Then too, the prophet Ezekiel spoke of the same situation for our day,

“62 And I, I myself, will establish my covenant with you; and you will have to know that I am Jehovah, 63 in order that you may remember and actually be ashamed and you may no more come to have any reason to open [your] mouth because of your humiliation, when I make an atonement for you for all that you have done,’ is the utterance of the Sovereign Lord Jehovah.” -- Ezekiel 16:62-63 NWT


(A Close Analysis of Leviticus 16:10) Part 2


There are many other features of the Mosaic Law Covenant that will have to be brought up again, as mentioned in the book of Revelation, where it described it as mankind again learning the "Song of Moses," and its true meaning for us today. Plus the “New Song,” also called the "Song of the Lamb,"... a very "New Song" for all concerned. -- Ephesians 1:8-10; Revelation 5:9, 10; Revelation 14:3; Revelation 15:3

For example the celebration of Pentecost, where "2 lambs" and "2 loaves" of bread were "waved" does picture something very grand and profound for our day and time, as well as for all the anointed footstep followers of Jesus in the first century.

"Out of your dwelling places you should bring two loaves as a wave. Of two tenths of an ephah of fine flour they should prove to be. They should be baked leavened, as first ripe fruits to Jehovah...And you must render up one kid of the goats as a sin offering and two male lambs, each a year old, as a communion sacrifice. And the priest must wave them to and fro along with the [two] loafs of the first ripe fruits, as a wave offering before Jehovah, along with the two male lambs. They should serve as something holy to Jehovah for the priest." -- Lev. 23:17, 19, 20 NWT

First we notice there are two (2) LEAVENED loaves that are "waved" as "firstfruits" to Jehovah God, for full acceptance as a "communion offering." Of course the "leavened" bread pictures "sin" held deep within the members of this new covenantal arrangement itself. (1 Corinthians 5:7, 8) These "sinful" ones then, are leavened "loaves" that are "waved" before Jehovah the Almighty, for Covenantal Acceptance, in this instance. The "loaves" then, picture repentant "Israel," or Israelites formerly under the Mosaic Law Covenant + new converts from the "nations" or "Gentiles" [Hebrew: Goiim or Greek: Ethnos] to makeup the New REPLACEMENT "Israel" of God, a chosen "people for His Name," as Acts 15:14 & 17 points out. (See also Matthew 21:43.) It would be this combination of two (2) distinct peoples/nations [Greek: Ethnos] that would now makeup God's Name People, led by those of the natural nation of "Israel," those taught directly by Jesus, the apostles taken from the Jewish nation. These are the ones of the nation of Ancient "Israel" that was willing to heed Jesus' warning for this people, and were willing to "repent" to enjoy "seasons of refreshing" from the very face of Jehovah. (Acts 3:19) Therefore with Jesus, they became this first "lamb" and the first "loaf" which was "waved," that was accepted at Pentecost of the first century, by God Almighty Jehovah.

So when we consider this important biblical account, we notice that with each "loaf," a "lamb" was to be "waved." In the first century, this "Lamb" pictured the one who made all of this possible, the True Passover "Lamb," Jesus Christ, whose righteous, spilled "blood," made the first century covenant as well as the newer arrangement (Scapegoat Covenant) we speak of, entirely possible in our day. This was Jehovah's Original Intent, as expressed in Genesis 3:15, to use the blood of Jesus in this special way. Thus, it became a Grand “Sacred Secret” [Greek: mysterion] on God's part. -- John 1:29, 36; Revelation 10:7

The first "lamb," thus points forward to the major "sacrificial" lamb of God, namely Jesus Christ who actually made all of this possible, both covenant arrangements, both "Christian" Law and "Scapegoat" Law, and additionally made possible the full acceptance in peace of the entire nation of Israel under the "curse" of the Mosaic Law [the first "loaf"], who had to be liberated from that particular "curse" to become fully acceptable to Jehovah God. (Galatians 3:10) These few ones from the Jewish Community then, after being mercifully liberated from the "curse" of the Mosaic law, then could righteously be "presented" to Jehovah as a "communion offerings" of peace [along with the new "Gentile" converts who greatly augmented the size of the 'new nation for God's Name,' per Acts 15:14, 17.] All of these ones, gained full acceptance as people under a "new covenantal" arrangement before Jehovah, and became true anointed ones of the first century who died faithful to God, and were taken to heaven as spiritual "Israel," as certain "firstfruits" to God. These ones of the first century, thus became those ultimately bound for heavenly life and also, heavenly rulership with Jesus. Amazing! -- Leviticus 23:17, 19, 20; James 1:18

Next, later in the ceremony, we see a second "lamb" and "loaf" which is also "leavened" and is likewise "waved" before God Almighty. This second "waving" of a "lamb" and "loaf" shows, uniquely the actual NEED for a second "lamb" [a modern-day messiah] in assisting a modern day "Israel" or second leavened "loaf," which must be lifted up from "apostasy" against God, as a nation. (Isaiah 49:5, 6) So, this second "loaf" now, must be "waved" or presented to Jehovah God, in a "communion offering" for acceptance, as a symbol of peace between God and the new God’s Name People/Nation of “Israel” of our modern-day times. -- Acts 15:14, 17

Thus, the second "lamb" that is "waved" must then picture a "justified" descendant of Adam and Eve, the "seed of Eve" spoken of in Genesis 3:15. He becomes a person "declared righteous" before God, who can, in his "justified" state before God, now act as a symbolic "lamb" in a sacrificial sense, to redeem "Israel," and "bring back to God," an apostate "Israel" that has developed into a very wicked nation of people, all within these "last days" of our times. He becomes a "guiltless one" before God Almighty, a person in whom God has selected to experience a true "anointing" by Jehovah as a spiritual "son" of God while on earth. He was given "authority" to become a spiritual "son" of God, by Jesus Christ himself. But he was "born from God" Jehovah, to do the will of Him that gave him life. -- Isaiah 49:5, 6; Romans 5:18; Romans 11:26, 27; Acts 13:38, 39; John 1:12, 13; Hebrews 2:11.


Therefore, this new symbolic "lamb," this new "e-scape goat," throughout his entire ministry and life before God Almighty, then must prove himself to be one day, truly "worthy" before Almighty God and Jesus, to open the "7 seals on the scroll" of God, and explain these things to mankind, as true "Sacred Secrets" or Great "Mysteries" [Greek: mysterions] of God. (Revelation 5:1-5) A Great "Sacred Secret" indeed, which would be "finished" or fully understood as Revelation 10:7 says of our day, during the "final part of the days," when he was due to "arrive" on the earthly scene, as the foretold "that which is complete," as "Shiloh," and as the "one who has the legal right" before God. Incredible, is it not? -- Genesis 49:1, 10; Ezekiel 21:27; 1 Corinthians 13:10

Thus, we can finally make a clear distinction here, in that this symbolic sacrificial "lamb" as mentioned in the book of Revelation SHOULD NOT be understood to be Jesus Christ, as commonly thought. In fact, the Greek word "lamb," employed by the apostle John some 28 times in the book of Revelation is arnion which is actually a "baby lamb" or "lambkin" and differs greatly from the Greek word amnos which John, the inspired writer of Revelation, himself uses to describe a full-grown ADULT "lamb," as it were. -- John 1:29

Naturally, this full-grown "lamb" could picture no one better than our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ himself, as John 1:29 and John 1:36 describes him. So then, the "first" lamb then would picture Jesus Christ, and would be the first lamb "waved" or presented to Jehovah God. Also, the first "loaf," would picture first century "anointed" footstep followers, who were to be taken to heaven at death. And afterwards, in our day and time, the secondary "lamb" or baby "lambkin" [Greek: arnion] spoken of as a symbolic "lamb" in the book of Revelation, would become the "lamb" of our day, the "lamb" or "lambkin" of our modern day time. (Please notice the apostle John also uses the Greek word of arnion at John 21:15 where it is used to describe new followers of Jesus Christ as baby "lambs" or lambkins.)

Upon close examination of the book of Revelation, we find this unique Greek word "lambkin" mentioned some 28 times within the prophecy itself. It is this baby "lamb" or actual "lambkin," which proves to be an "anointed" footstep follower of Christ, a member of the "Christian" Covenant itself. He was to be "waved" in our day and times, as a "communion" offering, before Jehovah God again showing the full acceptance of God toward this new Scapegoat Covenant Arrangement, with His full approval for the modern day nation of God's Name People, modern-day "Israel," of God's making. Likewise, who today would be the first people called, “invited,” or given this unique opportunity for such a glorious privilege? -- Matthew 22:14

Well, it was God's Will for Jehovah's Witnesses to become the first chosen for the second "loaf." Of course we know, only a small remnant from their number will “repent,” yes, exactly like [a paradigm] what happened in the first century. These individuals realize they must likewise be liberated from the “curse” of God’s Original Law, yes, from the old covenant arrangement, the "Christian" Covenant, in this case. Additionally, to greatly augment this small number of individuals, a small "mystery" nation of Jehovah's Choosing would be added to their number to round out the newly formed Nation of "Israel." Indeed secretly, Jehovah God had been grooming this particular people, for this special position all along, ever since 1930, by way of the Rastafarian Movement of Jamaica! This startling fact, would later prove to be a world wide testimony of Jehovah’s Great Foresight into the future. Think about it!

Therefore, it is my (Donald C. Burney) distinct honor and privilege to announce to the entire earth, yes, the Jamaican People themselves, are now God’s Chosen Name People -- a people who number in the small millions today, and who interestingly approximate the actual size of Jehovah's Witnesses today on a world wide scale, who also number into the small millions. (The choosing of a “small nation,” would be in complete harmony with the Divine Principle announced to Ancient Israel at Deuteronomy 7:7.) Therefore based upon these facts, we can logically expect those who willingly & sincerely "repent" from the Jehovah's Witnesses, along with the Newly Chosen Name People for God in our modern day times, yes, those of the Jamaican Nation, to now become "certain firstfruits" to Jehovah as His "REPLACEMENT" Nation, as of …

Wednesday, 9:00 a.m., February 8th, 2012.
(The date will be explained in a later article.) Praise Jah! -- Matthew 21:43; James 1:18

Then too as we might expect, this newly installed modern-day symbolic "lamb" of God spoken of earlier, must now be "waved" [or presented] before God, along with the modern day "loaf" [repentant small remnant of Jehovah's Witnesses + the Jamaican Nation] ... these must be "waved" as a single "loaf," for full acceptance before Jehovah in the "End Times," the "last days," of our time. Which ultimately means, those among the Jehovah's Witnesses in mass, who DO NOT repent before Jehovah at such a critical time, will now find themselves existing in total treason and apostasy before God, existing as God's "enemies" per the warning words of Ezekiel 14:9, 10, James 4:4 & Revelation 18:4, and invariably find themselves led, and being punished for the many sins of the wicked modern-day "man of lawlessness," namely the Governing Body of Jehovah's Witnesses ... the very ones who have willingly and shamelessly "put their threshold and doorpost" up beside God's "threshold and doorpost" in our modern day times. Yes, the ones that must be fully and completely "exterminated in God's anger." - Ezekiel 43:7-9; 2 Thessalonians 2:3-12


As we recall, the New Covenant was established with Jesus’ first century disciples, just like most today believe. But what most believers don't know, is that Jesus came back for these particular disciples in 70 C.E. and took them to heaven.

(For more detail information concerning Jesus' return in 70 C.E., please see the article entitled: The Second "Parousia" of Christ -- Re-examined found at: http://www.yorww.com/secondcoming.htm )

Therefore, if Jesus came back for his anointed first century followers in 70 C.E. and took them to heaven, thus "abandoning" all UNFAITHFUL first century Christians to their own wicked devices, then this automatically means, the Christian Covenant itself, after 70 C.E. then LAY DORMANT for many, many years, yes up till 1931. (Matthew 24:40, 41) Up till that time, between 70 C.E. and 1931, then, no nation of people was willing to take upon themselves the Name of God and the responsibility that came with carrying that Divine Name upon themselves, as did Jehovah's Witnesses in that momentous year. No one was willing. This would be in following the example set by ancient Israel before them. (Numbers 6:27) Therefore, it was in that year, 1931 when Jehovah's Witnesses actually started the DIVINE NAME MOVEMENT, among religions. No one had done this before them. They were the first to do this, ON AN INTERNATIONAL SCALE. Thus, Jehovah's Witnesses became Spiritual "Israel" of our modern times, in 1931, by way of the blood of Jesus. Yes, in that year, Jesus Christ became mediator between Israel [or Jehovah's Witnesses] and Jehovah God. Jehovah Witnesses then, became part of the Christian Law Covenant" Arrangement. -- See The “Report” Book for details.

Therefore, Jehovah's Witnesses have continued in that same Covenant Arrangement from 1931 up till recently, when they as a nation and people, violated that Covenant by way of the hidden United Nations / Governing Body NGO Affair, in 1991. In other words, the leaders of the nation brought "community guilt" upon the entire nation, because of unfaithfulness in this instance. (See Leviticus 4:3.) Not to mention, the many other sins committed by the Governing Body of Jehovah's Witnesses previously which, no doubt, have damaged the Jehovah's Witnesses' relationship with God Almighty. In this way, the Governing Body of Jehovah's Witnesses have thereby "put their doorpost" and their "threshold" up "beside" God Almighty's "doorpost" and "threshold." For this, they must be "exterminated in God's Anger," completely. -- Ezekiel 43:7-9

Because of this situation, the nation of modern day "Israel" became “APOSTATE” before God, with this unique situation producing the actual NEED … the need for Another Covenant Arrangement, besides the one that Jesus mediated with them. (Isaiah 10:6) This new covenant arrangement (Scapegoat) then became necessary... in God's eyes. -- See The “Report” Book for details.

"But, what covenant arrangement, if any, could be used AFTER Jehovah's Witnesses had fully violated and broken the Christian one?" one might ask.

PLEASE NOTE: In order to find out what arrangement we are talking about, we have to go back to the Mosaic Law to see how this would work, and come to understand God's Great Wisdom in handling this affair...His Great Foresight, in making preparation for such a great deliverance, and the fulfillment of His Original Word and Promise at Genesis 3:15.

Therefore, when we examine the book of Revelation, we notice at Revelation 15:3 it speaks of the "Song of Moses," and the "Song of the Lamb" also being sung. These two "Songs" are ones being sung by faithful individuals of our modern day time, since it plainly says the ones singing, have "come off victorious from the wild beast and from its image and from the number of its name standing by the glassy sea, having harps of God." -- Revelation 15:2

Indeed, the "Song of Moses" does take us back to the Mosaic Law Covenant , wherein many of its principles incredibly point forward to a dual "messiah" concept to be revealed, in the “last days.” We believe, the “Scapegoat” Covenant itself, is firmly established by bible principles laid down in Leviticus 14th and Leviticus 16th chapters, respectively.

Then too, Revelation 5:8-10 speaks of this new arrangement as being a "New Song," the "Song of the Lamb," as also mentioned in Revelation 14:3. All of this means this "New Song," thus becomes the “means by which they [Israel] are saved” by way of a "New" Covenant Arrangement from God, if accepted by this small “remnant” of "Israel," [repentant Jehovah’s Witnesses] during the "last days" of this system of things. -- Acts 3:19; Acts 28:28

Of course, we have to remember this "New" Covenant Arrangement, the E-scapegoat Covenant Arrangement that we speak of, could only be possible and could only itself become inaugurated, and put into operation by the unique, Godly application of the sin-atoning value of the precious blood of Jesus. Therefore, it is the special application of the blood of Jesus, that truly validates the "New" E-scapegoat Covenantal Arrangement, by which all things are then, made possible. (Matthew 19:26) Additionally, we are also reminded too, that in keeping with His Stated Word as revealed in the Mosaic Law, it was only through Jehovah's Tremendous Divine Wisdom and Grand Foresight on all matters, that has made such an UNKNOWN, UNHEARD OF arrangement possible today. (Isaiah 52:15) Especially when we consider Jehovah had all of this in mind FROM THE BEGINNING, in the Garden of Eden, per Gen. 3:15. Incredible! Therefore, this clearly shows (a) the mystery of God would persist until the last days, according to His Will. And, (b) that Jehovah God, is "WISE ALONE," with that fact amply demonstrated for all to see, at this time, in the “last days” of this system of things. (Romans 16:27) Therefore, in keeping with His Great Wisdom and Amazing Foresight into all matters, Jehovah chose from among Jehovah's Witnesses or modern day "Israel," one lone human, one baptized, anointed brother from among their number, for this task, knowing within Himself exactly how He purposed to use such a human for His Divine Will. Jehovah chose to reveal his Great "Beauty" [or completely Symmetrical Divine Truth Message] as promised in the “Servant” Prophecy at Isaiah 49:3. Amazing!

Therefore this magnificent Choice within His Divinely Revealed Purpose amply demonstrates the truthfulness, veracity and wisdom of God's Original Promise at Genesis 3:15, made in the Garden of Eden, when He spoke to those 3 rebels who had disobeyed Him and thought that they had somehow, vitiated or thwarted His Original Divine Purpose. Of course, we know that could not be. It’s simply not possible for such a thing to happen. -- Proverbs 21:30

Hence, we today can say the great "mystery of God," that has persisted until now, then must be revealed in our day. Yes, the "finished mystery" of our time as Revelation 10:7 says, must prove to be an imperfect, descendant of "Eve," the woman, which was foretold to bring forth a righteous "Seed" for God. He becomes the "Chosen One" that was "promised" to come from the sinful "woman" [Eve], and thru the sin-atoning blood of Jesus, this one would finally become God's “Chosen One” to rescue "Israel" from apostasy, as His "Servant," as God's Scapegoat Sacrifice. -- Leviticus 16:10, 20; Isaiah 42:1-9; Isaiah 49:1-9

Surely, as God's "Anointed One," or "Christ," of our modern age, he was appropriately "anointed" by God Himself, while within the Jehovah's Witnesses Organization, and later appropriately "sent out into the wilderness" BEFORE the great UN/NGO Sin was committed, to finally, save the nation from apostasy. (Isaiah 49:5, 6) In this capacity, he is then used as an "E-scapegoat" in that he is the first to successfully “ESCAPE" from the Organization of Jehovah's Witnesses, as an "ANOINTED" footstep follower of Jesus Christ, and maintain his original “Christian” Covenant with God, that is, the original one accepted in 1931, the one that Jesus mediates. In this capacity, God uses him as a "justified" or "declared righteous," guiltless, symbolic "lamb" to effect salvation for the modern-day nation of Israel, Jehovah's Witnesses, a nation who has now fully apostatized from God, and totally gotten away from the "Christian Law" that was given them, in 1931. -- Matthew 12:7; Acts 13:38, 39; Romans 5:18

Think about it!

Written By:
Donald C. Burney

The "Chieftain" of God's Earthly Temple (Ezekiel 44:3)


Review questions for article: "God’s Sacred Secret Revealed in the Scapegoat Covenant"

1. Why would you say that the "Scapegoat Covenant" is the greatest of all the Sacred Secrets?

2. Which Bible translation first used the term "Scapegoat" to describe the role of the second goat in the sin atoning procedure described in Leviticus chapter 16?

3. Before this second goat can be used in a sacrificial sense, what must be done for it? (Leviticus 16:10)

4. Therefore, why could this goat not be pictorial of Jesus as the Watchtower Society teaches? Which of the two goats would picture Jesus and who must the second goat picture?

5. According to Leviticus 16:15, 21 and 22, describe the procedure that Aaron performed in order to cleanse the people of their sins.

6. What was the cleansing procedure for a leper that had been cured of his disease as described in Leviticus chapter 14?

7. In the case of the two birds, which one would picture what Jesus would do and on whose behalf would he do this? How would the one that the second bird pictures then be used?

8. How does Jehovah fulfill His unique promise recorded at Genesis 3:15 to use an imperfect descendant of Eve to ransom mankind?

9. Satan’s wicked instigation of sin and rebellion in the Garden of Eden was an effort to challenge what outstanding quality of Jehovah?

10. How did Jehovah meet this challenge?

11. How does the Bible explain the process of "justification?" (Romans 5:18)

12. How did Jehovah’s Witnesses nullify the covenant mediated by Jesus thus bringing about the need for another covenant?

13. The "bond of the covenant" as used at Ezekiel 20:37, indicates what? Why is this necessary and how is it accomplished?

14. When "Israel" finally recognizes that they have committed apostasy against Jehovah and He has severely disciplined them, how does Jeremiah (50:4, 5) and Ezekiel (16:62, 63) describe their attitude at that time?

15. What two songs will mankind learn as foretold in the book of Revelation (15:3)? What does each song represent?

16. Describe the procedure that was enacted on the Day of Pentecost as recorded at Leviticus 23:17, 19 and 20?

17. What is pictured by the two leavened loaves and why are they waved before Jehovah?

18. There were also two lambs waved along with the loaves. Who does the first "lamb" that was waved point to and what did he make possible?

19. The second lamb pictures whom and what will he make possible?

20. In the book of Revelation a "sacrificial lamb" is mentioned some 28 times. Is this one to be understood to be Jesus? Explain your answer.

21. Therefore, who must this second lamb be and what group represents the second loaf that will be waved before Jehovah?

22. Since we’ve learned that Jesus returned in 70 CE to take his anointed followers, those in the New Covenant, to heaven, what happened to this covenant after that time?

23. What act of apostasy are Jehovah Witnesses guilty of that now necessitates another covenantal arrangement, another act of deliverance on Jehovah God’s part for Israel?

24. In order to understand God’s Great Wisdom in providing this great act of deliverance, a new covenantal arrangement, to which arrangement must we refer back to and why? How does Revelation 15:3 refer to this covenant?

25. How is this new covenantal arrangement described in Revelation 5:8, 9 and 14:3?

26. What two things have made the new covenantal arrangement possible?

27. From where did Jehovah choose the one that he would use to fulfill His purposes and what did He make known to him as recorded at Isaiah 49:3?

28. ccording to Revelation 10:7, what has this individual become and by what means did Jehovah accomplish this?

29. Appropriately, how can he be called the "E-Scapegoat?"

30. What will he, as a justified or guiltless lamb effect for the modern-day nation of Israel?

To get the answers for the review questions CLICK HERE.

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