How To Register At Jehovah's Truth Discussion Board

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Apollyon (Rev. 9:11)
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How To Register At Jehovah's Truth Discussion Board

Post by Apollyon (Rev. 9:11) »

How To Register At Jehovah's Truth Discussion Board

If you would like to register at Jehovah's Truth Discussion Board, you can always write us direct and request membership at our email address. In this way, you become a full, participating member of our forum. To do this, please write us at: giving us your chosen username and password. (You can always change your designated password when you sign in.)

Or, to register yourself, simply click this link:

Also, if you simply have a question for us, just click the following link and we will be happy to respond within hours of your sending this message. The link to click to send us an email message is: memberlist.php?mode=contactadmin

. . . We hope this info is helpful to you. (smile)

Thank you,

JT Discussion Board Admin

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Apollyon (Rev. 9:11)
Posts: 153
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Re: How To Register At Jehovah's Truth Discussion Board

Post by Apollyon (Rev. 9:11) »

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Apollyon (Rev. 9:11)
Posts: 153
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Re: How To Register At Jehovah's Truth Discussion Board

Post by Apollyon (Rev. 9:11) »

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