What Really Happened (Back Then) With The False Teaching Of 1975?

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Re: What Really Happened (Back Then) With The False Teaching Of 1975?

Post by 1975JWExpert »

A Public Talk On 1975 Given By Watchtower Society District Overseer, Charles Sinutko Jr.,
Vividly Describing What Was Actually Believed & Taught To The General Public About The Date Itself!
(Listen Carefully To What Jehovah's Witnesses And The General Public Were Actually Taught On The Date Of 1975, In The Year Of 1967 At A Large Convention)

This video was released on YouTube for public consumption by goodwindc 12 years ago.

Here is the audio and video of the talk: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TIaMzoDXIho

Judge for yourself what Jehovah's Witnesses actually believed and taught publicly about the date of 1975, in the year of 1967.

Then, judge for yourself if the Watchtower Society & Governing Body are deliberately employing "Theocratic Strategy" [Or Lying] upon the brotherhood of Jehovah's Witnesses, 8.7 million believers, per the biblical counsel found at Galatians 6:10? Are they OUTRIGHT LYING to the JW Brotherhood in the OPENING SCENE of this Watchtower Society sponsored video, which supposedly, truthfully explains how the 1975 debacle got its start among "some," weak, misguided Jehovah's Witnesses of that time?

Decide for yourself.

Here is the video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZGs300U2FQE&t=233s

(Above video was released 5 years ago on YouTube by Info Hub.)

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Re: What Really Happened (Back Then) With The False Teaching Of 1975?

Post by 1975JWExpert »

Do Jehovah's Witnesses believe in Holy Scripture, such as:

Revelation 22:15 (NIV) which says:

New International Version
"Outside are the dogs, those who practice magic arts, the sexually immoral, the murderers, the idolaters and EVERYONE WHO LOVES AND PRACTICES FALSEHOOD."

Based upon what the Watchtower Society has taught about the date of 1975, since the year of 1966 . . . this is something to really, really think about, wouldn't you say?

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Re: What Really Happened (Back Then) With The False Teaching Of 1975?

Post by 1975JWExpert »


Jehovah's Witnesses (International Bible Students) Predict The End Of The World . . . 1925!!!

(JF Rutherford Proclaims: "Millions Now Living Will Never Die!" . . . A Resurrection Of Ancient "Faithful Worthies" Will Occur!)

. . . See a familiar pattern happening here???

This video was released by TheScrewedGeneration 12 years ago on YouTube.

Here is the video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k24y40r2edY

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Re: What Really Happened (Back Then) With The False Teaching Of 1975?

Post by 1975JWExpert »

"A Religion That Teaches Lies CANNOT BE TRUE!" -- Says Watchtower Magazine December 1st, 1991, Page 7

This video was released by TheScrewedGeneration 10 years ago on YouTube.

Here is the video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CNXHaCu66YQ

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Re: What Really Happened (Back Then) With The False Teaching Of 1975?

Post by 1975JWExpert »

Have Jehovah's Witnesses Taught Truth Or Satanic Lies . . . To The World About Dates; Information They Have Specifically Learned From The Watchtower Society & It's Governing Body?
(John 8:32 & John 8:44)

And if we cannot trust them to speak and teach the truth about dates, how can we trust them on other important things they have taught?

For example: Have we really, really taught the truth about this all-important question, when did Jesus BEGAN his heavenly reign?

To answer this very important question, scripturally-speaking, please see this link: http://jehovahstruth.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=135

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Re: What Really Happened (Back Then) With The False Teaching Of 1975?

Post by 1975JWExpert »

Have Jehovah's Witnesses Taught Truth Or Satanic Lies . . . To The World About Other Important Things; Information They Have Specifically Learned From The Watchtower Society & It's Governing Body?
(John 8:32 & John 8:44)

So, if we cannot trust them to speak and teach the truth about dates, how can we trust them on other important things they have taught?

For example: Have we really, really taught the truth about this all-important question, have the 144,000 so-called "anointed" among Jehovah's Witnesses today, learned Divine Truth from the Watchtower Society & Governing Body, so much so that it can be said of them, they have never, ever taught publicly in field service and otherwise, "BLATANT FALSEHOODS" before mankind . . . like all of these false dates coming from the Watchtower Society & Governing Body over the years? Isn't that one of the absolute requirements to be of the 144,000, as the bible says? (See Revelation 14:3, 5.

To get more information on this topic, scripturally-speaking, please see this link: http://jehovahstruth.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=138

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Re: What Really Happened (Back Then) With The False Teaching Of 1975?

Post by Apollyon (Rev. 9:11) »

Watchtower Society / Jehovah's Witnesses Are Leaving World Wide!
(By Monica Roseroka)

These videos were released 5 months ago by Monica Roseroka on YouTube.

Here are the two (2) links to the videos:

Part 1: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a4AnvsiOaeE

Part.2: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ir2Q6bowf5Y

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Re: What Really Happened (Back Then) With The False Teaching Of 1975?

Post by 1975JWExpert »

Jehovah's Witnesses, 8.7 Million Of Them, Are Absolutely Crushed As A Religious Belief System,
If . . . If They Listen To This Video!

Video entitled: #1,279 - "Three IMPOSSIBLE Jehovah's Witness Things", posted on YouTube 2 weeks ago by Watchtower Examination.

Here is the link to this fantastic, tremendous, incredibly sensible & reasonable, forthright presentation of damning quotes by Watchtower Society literature & Governing Body members, on their repeated false date-setting!

If sincere, God-fearing Jehovah's Witnesses actually see this video and analyze it, they are finished. (My recommendation: Let as many Jehovah's Witnesses as possible, that will listen, check this one out. It is short and sweet, but will do the job!)

Key Point made in the video, to remember: A "PIMO" [Physically In Mentally Out] is actually a person who is PRETENDING . . . PRETENDING to be a genuine Jehovah's Witness.

Think about it

Here is the video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1ss2pd6imOw

Personal Experience related below from YouTube:

. . . I got into it with my stepdad, who lived through the 1975 fiasco and I personally saw the year 2000 bull crap when I was growing up, and he vehemently denied the 1975 prediction to the point he was getting angry and refusing it happened. My mom was eventually arguing about it with him as she remembers it and everyone selling off their belongings, and she dropped out of school. It felt like he was in some other reality I was not aware of. The Controlling Governing Body have them so convinced that they will deny, deny, and continue denying wrongdoing on the part of the magnificent 9. It is like talking to someone who is possessed, it was one of the strangest things I have seen and heard come out of someone's mouth.

You are correct Winston, I came to the point that I could not back and support his religion anymore. It is tough waking up and you cannot remain honest staying in it and, like my stepdad, it becomes willful ignorance. "Willful ignorance comes from inchoate fear, anger, and victimhood, nothing more. And it feeds on itself, admitting only self-justifying facts and judgments that confirm calcified belief systems."

**********************************end of quote****************************************

2 Peter 3:5 tells us,

King James Bible

"For this they willingly are ignorant of, that by the word of God the heavens were of old, and the earth standing out of the water and in the water:"

Ask yourself: Are Jehovah's Witnesses "willingly ignorant" about the false teaching of 1975?

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Re: What Really Happened (Back Then) With The False Teaching Of 1975?

Post by 1975JWExpert »


[Article taken from livingwatersforum.com ]

(Article truncated)


Revelation 12:11 provides vital encouragement for all truth-seekers by saying:

"And they conquered him [Satan] because of the blood of the Lamb and because of the word of their witnessing, and they did not love their souls even in the face of death."

This is no trivial matter to all faithful servants of God of our day, since we have the Divine Warning to:

"keep your senses, be watchful. Your adversary, the Devil walks about like a roaring lion, seeking to devour [someone]." -- 1 Peter 5:8

So, we can ask: How can one today, who is a lover of Divine Truth and a genuine truth-seeker, fully "conquer" Satan the Devil, the Evil One, who is upon earth seeking to "devour" all spiritual-minded ones like a "roaring lion"? Yes, how can we "conquer" the primary one, who is indeed intent on CONQUERING US?


Thinking back, when John was given the Revelation for the future, we read at Revelation 12:9 something very interesting. It states:

"So down the great dragon was hurled, the original serpent, the one called Devil and Satan, who is misleading the entire inhabited earth; he was hurled down to the earth, and his angels were hurled down with him."

Now, after reading that particular verse, let's notice a very important clue has been Divinely provided for us, to help us tremendously in our modern-day quest to fully "conquer" Satan.

We remember John was shown a vision of Satan being "cast out" of heaven...right? He saw Satan being "hurled down" out of heaven..."cast out" of heaven...right? Truly a powerful future event for John to envision.

Now let's ask ourselves: From John's perspective, had this ever happened before, namely the "casting out" or "hurling down" of Satan, say during John's day, during Jesus' ministry?

Well, to answer that question, let's meditate upon some background information that John obviously had to draw on from his many experiences with Jesus. In fact, one particular occasion.

Remember, when the 70 disciples of Jesus were FINALLY learning the real truth, straight from the mouth of Jesus, and not the half-truths and falsehoods of the Pharisees of their day, what did Jesus actually say about this unique situation? In other words, how did Jesus actually describe this situation, that is their learning Godly Truths during his time?

"Then the seventy returned with joy, saying: Lord even the demons are made subject to us by the use of your name. At that he said to them: I began to behold SATAN ALREADY FALLEN LIKE LIGHTNING FROM HEAVEN . . . I publicly praise you, Father, Lord of heaven and earth, because you have carefully hidden these things from wise and intellectual ones, and have revealed them to babes. Yes, O Father because to do thus came to be the way approved by you." -- Luke 10:17-21

Jesus said above, Satan was already, yes 'already fallen from heaven,' as a direct result of his "revealing" sacred secrets to his babe-like disciples. Did you notice that?

Again, Jesus said Satan had


...isn't that true?

Now, what does this mean?

Let's truly think...ponder the true significance of this thought a bit. -- 1 Timothy 4:15


Indeed, there can be no question but that, this is indeed a powerful statement of success on behalf of Jesus' own ministry namely, in fully revealing "sacred secrets" to first century disciples upon earth...no doubt!

Therefore, we must ask: Could these verses above possibly help us better understand, the future "hurling down" action taken against Satan the Devil, in our day, we ask?

Well, could the fact that Jesus was "revealing" to his humble "babe" like disciples, previously "carefully hidden things", carefully guarded things, prove to be a great defeat for Satan, like his "falling as lightning from heaven?" (Luke 10:18) Yes, could the dramatic "revealing" of real spiritual things, like "sacred secrets" of God, real spiritual gems, things that had formerly been "hidden from the wise and intellectual" religious leaders of Jesus' day, be considered a serious SPIRITUAL "fall from heaven" for Satan? ... A spiritual "fall" itself. What do you think?

In other words, since the book of Revelation is to be correctly understood as presenting ideas in "signs," where ideas are being conveyed SYMBOLICALLY to us, and not literally...not literally -- then yes, is it possible that the "hurling down" action of Satan and his demons, is to be understood...IN A SYMBOLIC SENSE, and not in a literal sense as people commonly think today? Isn't it true, people today (including the Watchtower Society and Jehovah's witnesses) generally see this as a literal "fall" from heaven, and not a spiritual one? A spiritual "fall" from heaven, just as Jesus described happened for his first century followers when they first learned "Sacred Secrets" from God, as recorded in Luke 10:18? Isn't that true?

In other words, do you think the book of Revelation, a book that presents ideas in "signs," yes is that particular book of the bible depicting Satan being "hurled down" LITERALLY or SYMBOLICALLY...which? What do you think? -- See Revelation 1:1.

Also we may want to consider this fact. Did you notice Revelation 12:9 mentions a direct connection between the "hurling down to earth" action taken against Satan, and the inspired account reminding us he [Satan] was PRIOR TO this action, actually "misleading the entire inhabited earth?" Did you notice that fact?

Indeed, in considering Revelation 12:9, could there be a connection between the mention of Satan "misleading the entire earth," and the fact that some very fortunate individuals have been freed from his dreadful influence finally, namely the "Male Child" who have been "caught up" to symbolic "heaven?" Could this also be true? (Revelation 12:5) And further, could the symbolic "hurling down" action taken against Satan, yes one day, possibly change that dreadful situation for the "inhabited earth" who are being "misled" by Satan? Is that possible too?

Indeed, we could ask ourselves, what might the symbolic "hurling down" action taken against Satan, mean for "the entire inhabited earth" in whom Satan's misleds? Could there possibly be a direct connection here, between this powerful action on God's part, and the "righteous" result for the "inhabited earth," who was previously under Satan's power and control up till that time?

Again, let's review this situation again, in our minds...the "casting out" of Satan from "heaven." We can ask ourselves, what did Jesus mean when he said the following to his disciples in the first century:

"Now there is a judging of this world; now THE RULER OF THIS WORLD [SATAN] WILL BE CAST OUT."-- John 12:31

Now, let's think deeply about this statement. Ask yourself, in what sense are we to understand the fact that Satan, was indeed "cast out" of that particular first century "world" [Greek: kosmos], as a direct result of Jesus' preaching ministry of Divine Truth? How could this be, and why would Jesus describe this situation as a "casting out" of Satan, for his first century followers? What do you think?

In referring to the "casting out" of Satan in John 12:31, could Jesus have been describing a SPIRITUAL FALL of Satan, where first century christians could now be said to be full-scale "conquers" of Satan, because of learning Divine Truth or "Sacred Secrets" from God...is this possible? -- See Matthew 13:11; Luke 10:17-21; 1 John 2:13.

What do you think?

Isn't it true, right after mentioning the "hurling down" of Satan action in Revelation 12:9, verse 11 of the same chapter says:

"...And they conquered him [Satan]..." -- Revelation 12:11

Therefore, could the "conquering" of Satan by faithful ones, be logically connected in our minds, to the "hurling down" action taken against Satan, in our modern-day, just as it occurred in the first century when Jesus was on earth? Could this be the case, we ask?

Remember, John wrote to his faithful brothers of the first century,

"I am writing you, fathers, because you have come to know him who is from the beginning. I am writing you, young men, because YOU HAVE CONQUERED THE WICKED ONE [SATAN]..." -- 1 John 2:13

Yes, first century christians had, with the help of Jesus, indeed "conquered" the Wicked One [Satan], who up till that time, had the whole world "lying in his power." -- 1 John 5:19

Perhaps, after prayerfully considering the above information, we can possibly see this future "hurling down to earth" action taken against Satan in our day, in a completely different light. Yes, we can begin to see this "hurling down" of Satan, as being a SYMBOLIC "hurling down" action. Think about it.

Indeed, when we examine these particular spiritual thoughts at this juncture, could this viewpoint possibly "open some doors" of thought, in our understanding and highlighting the particular spiritual [and not literal] aspect of the book of Revelation and how God intended for us to perceive such, in our day.


To be sure, Satan is doing everything in his power to "conquer" us all, just like a "roaring lion" would do when seeking prey. Therefore the only thing that can truly save us from such a fate, is the pursuit of Divine Truth, real truth from Almighty God. We must seek for it, as for gold and for silver, search for it as we would for "hidden treasure," the bible tells us. We must seek to understand God's Word, by constantly "knocking" for more understanding. -- Proverbs 2:3-6; 4:5-7; Matthew 7:7, 8

So, no doubt the primary way one can fully "conquer" Satan, is by searching out spiritual "truths", Divine Truths that formerly may have been long "hidden" from mankind in general, since the time of Jesus. Things Jesus called in many of his parables, the "Sacred Secrets of the Kingdom." -- Matthew 13:11; Romans 16:25-27

As many of Jehovah's Witnesses are beginning to find out, these Divine Truths we speak of, are actually teachings and "understandings" that apparently Jehovah and Jesus have "long hidden" not only from the world of mankind in general, but even from the Watctower Society and company too. Yes, with the passage of time, time has shown, the Watchtower Society still DOES NOT understand today these Sacred Truths, and bible prophecy.

But even so, that does not mean the true understanding of these spiritual "truths" can not be had by all who "call upon the Lord out of a clean heart," as "Israel" today. (2 Timothy 2:22) To be sure, all Jehovah's Witnesses of our time, who truly wish to know and are willing to search for these Divine Truths, can indeed find them and "conquer" Satan.

Jesus said,

"Go in through the narrow gate; because broad and spacious is the road leading off into destruction and many are the ones going in through it; whereas narrow is the gate and cramped the road leading off into life, and few are the ones finding it." -- Mathew 7:13, 14

Yes, "few are the ones FINDING IT." And we know, in order for one to "find" something, yes they must be actively LOOKING for it, yes searching for it. Indeed, searching for Divine Truths which they know, leads us to the road "leading off into life."

We remember, Jesus compared our search for Divine Truth to one who was willing to search the world over for the most exquisite treasure of his time. Referring his faithful followers to their real quest of searching out Godly "Sacred Secrets" and gaining possession of "true understanding" of such, Jesus said:

"The kingdom of the heavens is like a treasure hidden in the field, which a man found and hid; and for the joy he has he goes and sells what things he has and buys that field. Again The kingdom of the heavens is like a traveling merchant seeking fine pearls. Upon finding one pearl of high value, away he went and promptly sold all the things he had and bought it." -- Matthew 13:44, 45

Today, we must feel the same way about "finding" real "hidden treasure" from God, as this "man" above was. He was willing to "sell" everything he had, to first of all...yes, "buy this field" which contained the "hidden treasure." He had to purchase first...the entire field itself. Therefore, Jesus recommended that we must be actively "seeking fine pearls" from God, as would be a "traveling merchant." So when finding such after much labor and effort, next we must be willing to sell "all the things" we have to buy it and, yes KEEP IT as our permanent possession! (Proverbs 23:23) No, we do not want to "sell truth" or sacrifice truth for any reason, allowing Satan, "during a time of testing" to possibly "overreach" us and "we fall from our own steadfastness!" To be sure, first century christians were constantly warned of this possibility, after they had learned "sacred secrets" from Jehovah. Think about it. -- Luke 8:13; 1 Corinthians 10:12; 2 Corinthians 2:11; 2 Peter 3:17

In other words, we must "highly esteem" this sacred "knowledge", the "sacred secrets of the kingdom," viewing it as precious, and finally be willing to make whatever sacrifice we can to make this "hidden treasure" our sole personal possession and yes, "retain it" permanently, as Jesus recommended. In this way, we can fully and completely "conquer" Satan. -- Proverbs 4:8; Luke 8:15

So, we must remember in "conquering" Satan, we have to be willing and prepared to "buy truth itself" and next, we should make it our sole permanent possession. Which means, we certainly do not want to "sell it" ... sacrifice it, no, not for any reason as Satan would want. (Proverbs 23:23) Jesus said we must always..."retain it", that is the "sacred secrets" given us by God. -- See Luke 8:15.

This is especially why Jesus instructed his disciples,

"and you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free." -- John 8:32

Yes... "set you free..." yes, from a Jewish "world" [Greek: kosmos] that was completely controlled by Satan. Indeed, that is true. But also this Divine Truth "sets us free" ... free from demonic control of an ungodly "world" that we live in today. Yes, a global worldwide system where Satan is actually Chief "Ruler." Think about it. -- See John 12:31; 1 John 5:19.

Therefore in short, Jesus was saying above,

unless one comes to know and understand the "sacred secrets of the kingdom", and is always willing to keep it as his PERMANENT POSSESSION, no...one CANNOT be said to be "free", actually free from the Demonic Control of Satan the Devil!

Think about it...

Only in this way, can God's faithful servants of today truthfully say, we have indeed "conquered" Satan, the one who is "misleading the entire inhabited earth." -- Revelation 12:9

Therefore, it is imperative that all true servants of God, all Jehovah's Witnesses, all "Israel," come into true possession of real "truth", Divine Truth, the all-important UNDERSTANDING of the "sacred secrets of the kingdom," as taught by Jesus.

And if we are willing to do this, we will be able to say as Jesus did, who fully "conquered" Satan by his ministry of Divine Truth-Giving,

"...the ruler of this world [Satan] is coming, and he has no hold on me." -- John 14:30

Posted by: 1975JWExpert

Originally written on LivingWatersForum.com by: Donald C. Burney


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Gap (Eze. 22:30)
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Re: What Really Happened (Back Then) With The False Teaching Of 1975?

Post by Gap (Eze. 22:30) »

Jehovah's Witnesses- Have YOU Properly Identified the Faithful & Discreet Slave? (Matthew 24:45)

Question: Does The Governing Body & Watchtower Society Have To Apologize For Past Mistakes?

Here is the answer to that question posed above by a Governing Body member.

This video was released by Kim Mikey 5 months ago on YouTube.

Here is the video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-7b5gvhalMk

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